A Friend For Once

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I'm always alone. When at school, at home, anywhere. That is, until I met him. My name is Amelisa, a middle school student. My father was an agent operating for the government. Because of his job, his loved ones were constantly in danger. That's why we would move to a new house every six months. It's also the reason he and mum are dead. I'm only alive because I was lucky. Not that I believe in luck.

It all started at the end of first semester. I was at the canteen, finishing my chemistry essay while sipping some water. As usual I was the only one at that table. I heard someone tapping the table , and saw a hand. Out of curiosity, I lifted my head to see who it was. It was the new kid, Nick. He has curly hair and brown eyes. He is also a singer. A really famous singer. Someone who's supposed to be with the 'ín group', and not with an outcast like me. 

''Hi.'' He said, a smile on his face. I nod once, adknowledging his existance. "Um, can I sit here?" he asked, pointing to the chair next to him, which was in front of me. "It's not like anyone want to sit there. Feel free." I said with a smile.

Suddenly, the whole canteen, which was usually filled with students' chatter, fell silent as Nick sat on the chair. He, realising the sudden change of atmosphere, looked around. At that same moment, eveyone was back to what they were doing. "That was weird." He said, a confused expression on his cute face. I kept quiet, taking a bite of the untouched apple that I brought.

"I'm Nick." he introduced himself. "I know." I said, taking another bite of the red apple. I looked at him in the eyes. "Just a piece of advice; Beware of the girls here. They will  try to get your attention in any way possible." "If I wanted that, I wouldn't sit here then, would I?'' He said. a warm feeling rushed through my veins that time. I knew that I had found a friend.

Since that day, Nick and I would hang out during recess together, and pair up once in a while for assigments. Months passed, and our friendship became almost unbreakable. It would be rare to see us not with the other.

During all those times, a voice inside me whisperes me to keep my distance. I'd usually ignore it, though. Now I'm regretting it.

Have I told you how my father got killed? It was because he trusted too much on his closest friend, who turned out to be one of the people who wanted him dead. I knew that man couldn't be trusted. Still, who would believe a 10 year old? Anyway, enough of my family.

Back to the story.

It was four years after our first aquaintance. He took me to the most isolated part of the hallway when school ended. Eventhough a bit confused, I followed him anyway. When we came to a place where not many people pass through, he stopped and took a deep breath. "Is something wrong?" I asked, a hint of doubt in my voice. "I don't know how to say this, but... I have to move." The news was sudden, and I had trouble digesting it at first. "What? Why?" "A record lable liked the songs that I made, and are willing to give me a contract with them. We're moving next week." He took another deep breath, waiting for my reaction. "There's nothing to change you mind about this?" He shook his head. I forced a smile. "Go then. It's alright. I can take care of myself here. Go and pursure your dreams." He hugged me when I ended my sentence. "Thanks. I know you'd understand." He said, letting go of me. I looked at him with a fake smile. Oh, if he only knew how heartbroken I have become since then.

That was all of him and me that was left. No pictures, no videos, no diaries. All just sweet memories.

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