Chapter 1: Home sweet home

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Home sweet home

As soon as I get out of the car my mother greets me with a bone crushing hug.

"Mother ",I greeted her .
Yeah , I know my mom calls me Iris, it feels kinda wierd because no one has called me that in a very long time .

"Vee",I hear my brother call me.

"Ian",I yelled.

I ran like a two year old who just got back from the candy store. I love my brother so much he is like the closest  person to me well after my mom.

"Vanessa,I am so glad that you finally came back" my father said.

Shock wore on my faces I saw someone new. I have never seen her before.

"Who is she", I asked.

"Lady Theadore of Covington",  my mother said.

"She's my fiancée", Ian answered.

"Your what?", I threw back at him.

"What is wrong?", he questioned.

"You can still ask that question to my face", barked at him.

"Wow, what a great way to start the holidays", I muttered as I walked inside.

"I hope I still have my room", I yelled.

Vanessa's POV

Once I find the way to my room, I start a unpacking my stuff. I had brought all my stuff because I didn't think I was going to go back to the United States. I had already finished school. I got my doctorates degree in Business Management and a bachelors in pastry and culinary arts.

I know my father wanted me to go into politics just like my brother.

I can't believe he was getting married, nevertheless had a girlfriend. It is sad because we used to tell each other everything and now it is like we barely know anything thing about each other.

*knock knock*
Yes, I answered and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door I saw "the traitor".

I was about to slam the door shut,he pushed the door open.

"Hey",he said.

"Hey to you too",I replied as I walked to the chair in the room.

"What do you want?",I asked.

"Look I'm sorry, I come in peace", he replied.

"You know sorry doesn't fix everything in life, you want to know why I'm mad, first she was probably your girlfriend for like a year now",I stated

"Secondly I am your sister for Christ sake, so you expect me to find out with the rest of the world".

"It's okay,i get your mad at me, I was very wrong for treating you like that and I'm sorry" he stated.

"She's really nice when you get to know her" he said.

"I will forgive you on some conditions",I smiled mischievously.

"And what is it?" He asked knowing where this was going.

"You'll see. But first dinner I'm starving.", I said.

"Be nice at dinner okay"he said

I already saw that one coming.

"No promises", I yelled as he left my room.

*At dinner*

"So you're getting married", I directed the questions to Thea.

"Yes we are" she answered.

"And do you love him?", I asked again.

"As a matter of fact I do love him very much"she said with a hint of attitude.

"Great choice brother she also comes with a snappy attitude"

"Iris if you don't watch your mouth I'm going to make sure you don't sleep in this house"

"Well I will have you know that this is my house too, just because I left for 2 years doesn't mean anything changes"

"Well if that is so then those manners of yours better drop them of at the door".

"And also you better give Theadore the respect she deserves because she will soon be a part of this family".

"I don't give damn who she—", I was cut of by my father.

"Enough, would you two stop acting like little kids"

"He started it",I muttered.

My mother then snapped her head towards me shooting me a glare.

"I finally have all my kids at one table and this is how we reunite",my father said with an angry tone and a hint of sadness in his voice.

" Je suis désolé papa" I said.

Me knowing my dad, I knew that some big punishment is coming.

"Vanessa you and Theadore are going to help your mother plan the winter solstice ball" my father said

"What!", I yelled

"But dad that so unfair" I said with tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

Don't get me wrong I love planing and this would love to spend some quality time with my mother but Thea was going to be there

I excused my self from dinner and went to the dance room, some how anything about dance always helped me cleared my head, as soon as I entered I saw my cousin scarlet struggling with a pirouette.

"I could possibly help with that", I said

"Vee, is that you",she said in excitement and and ran towards me.

"I've missed you", I said as I hugged her.

"I missed you too", she replied.

"Are you back for good", she asked with so much hope.

"Yes I am", I answered.

"Really, that means your going to be here for the recital and the ball", she said.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I heard her squeal.

Oh my God. This is going to be so much fun *note the sacarsm*

"We have so much work to do"she said.

"Vanessa can you do a special performance",she asked

"No we have been through this before I don't dance anymore"

"But don't you think it's time to get over that grief and fear"

And there it is guys the first official chapter of "life as a royal".

My phone is getting fixed so pls bear with me, I really hope you guys understand.

I will probably get it by the end of the month maybe.
Please don't forget to
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