Chapter 18: School.

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Your POV:

I laid with Rosie all night. Not wanting to go down incase Laura was there. I'm so sick and tired of people being bitchy.

"Y/N wake up honey." Someone said.

I groaned opening my eyes as the room was way too bright. I saw Rosie stood by the bed she was smiling sadly.

"Hey." I mumbled.

"Hi, lets get you some breakfast." She smiled.

I nodded and got up stumbling over to her. She smiled and led me to the bathroom then helped me down the stairs. Once I got down she didn't exactly leave my side.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked.

"Just toast." I mumbled.

"Nutella or butter?" She smiled.

"Butter because you eat Nutella with a spoon." I giggled.

"You're so strange." I heard Rose say from the doorway.

She smiled at me softly, a little hesistant towards me incase I got upset. I smiled at her and waved a little. She then greeted Rosie with a kiss and I heard Wilmer bark.

"Shut up." Rose groaned.

I felt someone climb on my lap as I sat on the couch. I looked at Flynn and cringed.

"Help." I stated saying when he rubbed himself against me.

I sneezed causing Rosie to rush over and pick him up off me. I hate being allergic. Rosie said sorry again then placed him on the floor.

"Y/N? We were thinking about letting you go to school. You're in secondary school now." I groaned.

"Why though Rose?" I asked.

"Because you need an education." I rolled my eyes.

"Homeschool is a thing." I huffed.

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