The Reveal

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King Elsai was handsome. Pale skin, at least a head taller than me, blue eyes that matched my dress perfectly, a charming smile and a gold crown rested on his head, a contrast to his platinum blond hair. My eyes widened as they looked up at his.
"Yes, I'm afraid so." I said as diplomatically as I could, " I've never really enjoyed parties like this."
It was true. Not knowing who to trust in my own kingdom and no allies among other countries, I'd never really attended balls, galas, or parties in general.
"Neither have I..." He eyed my crown, "Your Highness."
"Majesty." I corrected, "I am Queen of a country far north of here. Arram."
King Elsai looked confused, "My apologies but I've never heard of it."
"I'm not surprised." I sighed,"Arram is rather isolated from other countries. I'd never heard of Arendelle until my arrival this morning."
He looked surprised."Well...I hope you enjoy your stay here...Perhaps we can discuss an agreement for trade or maybe an alliance of some sort?"
"I hope so." I nodded, " I believe that would be beneficial to both Arendelle and Arram."
The band began a new song and King Elsai surprised me by offering his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He asked politely.
"How could I refuse?" I took his hand and let him lead me onto the dance floor.
I noticed people looking at us and whispering. I realized too late that this was his first dance of the evening so it was natural for people to watch. I could feel their gaze burning into me and looked down.
"You never told me your name." He said as he spun me around.
"It's Ingrid." I said looking up at him.
I could tell he was trying to keep my mind off the people and I was grateful for the distraction.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Queen Ingrid." He smiled as we waltzed.
"The pleasure is all mine, King Elsai." I nodded and smiled in return.
The cloth of his gloves was soft against my hands as we danced, his blue eyes locked on mine.
"So is white hair a common thing in Arram?" He asked.
"Is wearing gloves a common thing in Arendelle?" I retorted with a sly smirk.
His eyes widened in surprise, "Toúche."
When the song came to am end the people around us applauded. I curtsed and King Elsai bowed as we left the dance floor.
"You danced beautifully." he smiled.
"Not bad for my first time." I sighed in relief.
"You're kidding!"
"No...I'm not." I said, "Like I said earlier, Arram has no allies, we're cut off from any neighboring countries, no nobles besides myself and my small court. Not nearly enough people to have a ball."
"We don't do this often either." he admitted," The gates were closed years ago and they've remained closed up until now."
" Why's that?" I asked and looked over to see the duke scooting closer with us.
Elsai looked at him and sighed, "I'd rather not talk about it."
Before I could say anything else on the matter, Princess Anna ran over with a red head man with terrible sideburns in tow.
"Elsai!" she exclaimed giddily, " This is Prince Hans of the Southern Isles and we'd like your blessing for..."
"Our marriage!" They exclaimed together.
"I thought you said this was the first time the gates have been opened in in years?" I asked Elsai.
"It is..."he answered, flustered as Princess Anna and Prince Hans were discussing wedding plans and talking about having all twelve of Hans's brothers come to stay in Arendelle.
"Woah. Nobdy's brothers are staying here. Nobody is gettting married." Elsai stopped her.
"What? Why?" Princess Anna demanded looking rather upset.
"You can't marry a man you just met." I said.
"Exactly!" Elsai agreed gesturing to me.
"You can if it's true love!" Anna whined
" Anna, What do you know of true love?" Elsai asked coldly.
" More than you! All you know is how to shut people out!" Anna accused.
"Look ,you asked for my blessing, but my answer is no."Elsai said annd started walking toward the door. "The party's over. Close the gates."
"What? Elsai, no Wait!" Anna exclaimed pulling off one of Elsai's gloves.
"Give me my glove!" Elsai said reaching for it but Anna plled it way from him.
"Elsai, please!" Anna pleaded ," I can't live like this anymore!"
"Then leave." he said.
A look of hurt came over Anna's face at his words. It was clear that this excange was hurting both of them. Elsai looked away from her and continued toward the door.
" What did I ever do to you?" Anna demanded.
"Enough, Anna..." Elsai said in a warning tone.
By now, people were starting to notice and were turning to watch what the siblings would do next. There was tension surrounding them, and anyone in the ballroom could see that neither King nor Princess was going to back down.
"NO! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?!" Anna shouted.
"I SAID ENOUGH!" Elsai yelled, moving his hand to cut her off, causing long shards off ice to stretch up off the floor.
"Sorcery!" the duke accused as everyone except me mooved back.
I just stood there staring at him, nearly impaled bt one of the shards that stopped just inches from my abdoomen. Elsai met my stare, his blue eyes open wide in fear before he turned and ran out of the ball room, the duke and his goons running afer him. I coldn't believe it, though as I thught abot it, it made sense. The untapped power, the source I had com to Arendelle to find, was none other than King Elsai oof Arendelle himself. I was stuned, by the fact that I'd found someone like me.

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