Chapter 1

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Many years ago there was a mysterious forest that was surrounded by a mist. Legend says that it was filled with monsters and dragons and if anyone was ever brave enough or foolish enough to enter the forest they would never seen again. At the edge of this forest there lay a small village and living in this village was a baker called Tom and his wife Sabine. Though they were quite poor they were very happy because after many years of marriage they were finally going to have a baby.

"Where are you taking me?" Sabine asked. He had the pregnant woman blindfolded and was leading her into the other room.

"It's a surprise." He said.

Once they entered the other room he removed her blindfold for her to see a beautiful crib hand carved from wood.

Once they entered the other room he removed her blindfold for her to see a beautiful crib hand carved from wood

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"Oh Tom." She said. "Did you make this?"


"It's absolutely beautiful."

"Only the best for our child." He said planting a kiss on her swollen belly.

She smiled and traced her fingers over the crib.

"We should celebrate. I'm gonna go to the market and get some herbs and vegetables to make stew and salad."

"Wonderful idea. I'll go to the butcher and pick up the meat."

At the market Sabine bought some hazelnuts, basil, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, but no lettuce for the salad. The market was all out lettuce so she figured that they wouldn't be eating salad for dinner tonight. On her way back to their house she noticed a woman was moving in the house next door. She had a whole garden of beans, vegetables, nuts, berries, herbs, and a very strange looking flowers. They were bright blue, the color of the heavens.

 They were bright blue, the color of the heavens

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The woman was very strange looking. Her skin was the color of paper, her hair was wispy gray and as black as oil, her nails were as long and sharp as needles and painted crimson red. But what was most strange about her appearance was her eyes which were coal black. She seemed to spinning something but it didn't look like fabric.

"Good day." Sabine greeted kindly.

"Good day." The woman said.

"My name is Sabine."

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