Chapter 1

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It's been a year since Lizzie Watts mom died in the house fire her father started. Her father planned to kill the family including himself, but only got her mother and her brother dead. Her oldest sister left to go to college a week before the fire, and was too scared to come back for her. Her father gained custody of her when no one believed he started the fire, but she knew. When she tried to call the police her father would beat her and threaten her life if she dared do it again. She had certain rules to follow or she got punished. These rules were: Always get A's, No boys, No going to the police, No close friends, Be home at 10:00, and Have perfect attendance. If she didn't follow those rules the pain would come and hurt her. When people asked why she had a bruise, she would lie and say she fell or hit herself on accident. She never enjoyed this life but she believed that one day someone would somehow save her. She still waits for that day to come. When school started it was the first time all summer she was outside, she didn't have any friends because the idea of a extra beating scared her, so she followed the rule. Until little thirteen year old Lizzie meet fourteen year old Caleb Walden.

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