The Gods and Goddesses Set Off (ctd.)

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Chapter 3, Part 2. Apollo's POV.

Artemis and I went home like we usually did, except we went through the window of our rooms, cause our mum, Leto, thought we were home. Artemis in her room, me in my room, DOH! On our way home, I told Artemis we should take a break when we got to our rooms. So I was sitting on my bed, on my laptop. Then I got an email. Then I took out my iPhone and started texting my sis, Artemis, since I was too lazy to get up and talk with Artemis.

Texting part

Apollo: Hey sis

Artemis: what? u know dat we're in rooms right next to each other

Apollo: Yea i knoe but im too lazehh. Anyway i got an email

Artemis: whatevers, from whoo?

Apollo: from....Rhea.

Artemis: okie..It must be important then. Oh and we can talk in mindlink, dumdum.

Apollo: DUDE!! U COULDA TOLD MEH IN MIND LINK, so UR da dumdum, dumdum!!

Artemis: oopies. Well ok lets do it then.


Artemis and I both finally came out of our rooms. I checked the clock on the wall space between my sisters and my room. It was 5 till 3. 2:55 p.m. 'Wow,' I said to my sister in mindlink. 'We musta been up there for a while.' The last time we were out it was 1:00. 'So what was the conversation about again?' asked my sis in mindlink.

NOTE: "= Talking. '= Mindlink. And this chappie is finally over.


OHMIGOSH! And P.S. I'll dedicate the next chappie to the first one who comments!

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