Frequency part 1

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This lemon is a two-part story. The second part contains the smutty stuff. If you don't want to read that or are uncomfortable with it, you can only read this part if you like. This part contains the backstory because I dislike porn without plot.

Please enjoy this chapter!

Yours truly,


<><><><><><><> Frequency part 1.

It wasn't something you were used to. Or anyone would be used to, for that matter. Seeing someone who you don't even know so frequently throughout your daily life, out of pure coincidence for that matter, was out of the ordinary, one would say.

Well, they wouldn't be wrong.

Truth be told, you're somewhat of a hopeless romantic. You believed in the fate of chance and whatnot. You're friends and the locals think you're crazy, but that doesn't stop you from believing.

The thing is, you were already with someone. But that doesn't mean you were happy. Your fiancee, Lucas, wasn't very reciprocative when it came to affection. He was in the beginning, yes, but it died as time went on. You felt it.

It wasn't long before someone else ended up in your life, although indirectly. This mysterious man you kept meeting was always there; bumping into you, passing by, at the local church, in the local bar, even at the local park with a couple of kids.

Something like this, however, isn't just coincidence. No, it simply couldn't be. You believed with all your heart that stuff like this is meant to happen.

He was at the church again, bent over a small array of flowers.

You recognized him immediately. Spikey blond hair... check. Glowing blue eyes... check. The black attire... yup, check. That expression... so stoic, so cold. You wondered if he was even approachable. Then again, you weren't one to judge books by their covers, or in this case, hot guys by their expressions.

You replaced your hesitance with pride and confidence and strode up to where he was crouched.

You have caught him sneaking one or two glances at you before, so he knows that you two always seem to magically be at the right place at the right time.

He's never caught you staring, until now though.

Unfortunately for you, you forgot that there was a heck of a lot of debris and rubble lying around the broken church. A marble pillar catches your foot and you feel yourself stumbling like a seal on a big inflatable circus ball.

And with that your falling, and cursing rather loudly, into the wood floors of the small church as the marble rolls over your leg.

"Oh, shit! Uuuwaagh!" *THUD!* "OWWW!!!"

The spiky-haired man turns around in shock and tenses up, like he was half-expecting a battle.

You honestly didn't know any fighting techniques other than a limited knowledge of boxing, so you had no idea what he was expecting from someone of your caliber. You also don't know his name, but you've been calling him "Spiky" for the past few weeks you've seen him.

Spiky's face turns very serious as his tone of voice dips low. He approaches your flat-on-the-ground form intimidatingly, lowering his body to get a good look at your face.

"Alright, who the hell are you and what-- huh?" his face changes to one of surprise and confusion, eyebrows raised as he glanced at your familiar face.

Yes, he was surprised to see you here, in front of him, yet again. The one girl he can't seem to shake off, who won't stop entering his mind, is here. Oh, this is awkward. Yeah, he always wanted to meet you to know just who in the heck you were, but he isn't really one for conversation.

frequency - Cloud x Reader LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now