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Kim Seokjin/Min Yoongi
Sad ending

Its been years since you passed away, but Seokjin keeps thinking of you and missing you. You were his first and last love he loved you with all his heart and you did too.
The day you died was his, heart break.Sure he tried getting over you but you were always in his head.
"Hyung are still crying over her,  come on it's been over 2 years you need to move on" Namjoon said "It's not that easy you see we've always been together,  she was my first friend,  my first girlfriend,  and my first love it's not that easy to get over her" Seokjin said then went back on his phone "Hyung let's go to the park today,  would that make you forget about her?" "How would that make me forget?! That will make me even more sad" "Okay you doing like a teenage girl right now,  come on let's go" Namjoon said then grabbed Seokjin's hand but Seokjin snatched his hand back " YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS,  YOU'VE NEVER LOST SOMEONE SO IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE" He said then started to cry "hyung how do you think Yoongi feels I mean he lost his best friend" "How could I be so stupid....." "Now come on you can't be in this room forever" "Fine" He groans then gets up.


"How's practice oppa?" You said walking towards Seokjin with two cups of coffee "Stressful but I'm happy that your here" He smiles "here your favorite" You gave him the cup  "hey where's Yoongi I want to give him the one" "Oh he's in his studio" He said "oh thanks oppa" You then go over to Yoongi while Seokjin drank his coffee.

Flashback end~

Yoongi's side of the story~

Looking at her room for the first time in 2 years gives me a lot of memories,  thinking about all the times they would hang out when we were bored or when they would just watch Netflix and eat until he fell asleep.  Looking at all of that made him depressed Yoongi  laughed coldly " Pabo why was your room always cold and your room was so messy" A single year came out,  as he wiped it he went outside of your house and locked the door.  While we was walking home he went passed the high school you guys went too


Yoongi was walking home with Namjoon and Hoseok until he saw you with Seokjin,  He went behind a wall to see what you and Seokjin were doing "Y/n I want to tell you something" Seokjin said nervously "tell me Seokjin its fine" She said then hold his hand gently "okay,  so we've been together for the longest time and I was wondering maybe we could go on a date sometime?" He said all in one breath.  You looked shocked but also really happy "sure" You said trying not to fangirl inside. Yoongi walks away his head low walking back to Namjoon and Hoseok "Yah where'd you go?" Namjoon said worried "huh...  Ah i went to get a drink of water" Yoongi said trying to look away "Hm okay" "YOONGI HYUNG DID YOU GET THE MATH HOMEWORK?!?! " Hoseok screamed without even knowing "jeez stop yelling and no I didn't tell Namjoon" Yoongi said then walked faster

Flashback end~

Yoongi looks at his music and sighs all of a sudden the door slams open " Yoongi Hyung" He looks over to see Jimin and Jungkook at the door looking bad " What" he says irritated " You okay you haven't been out in a while" "I'm fine just go I need to write more" "Hyung please lets just get out for a little bit" Jungkook said coming towards Yoongi " Just go I don't want to go anywhere anyway" Yoongi said looking at his lyrics "Hyung come on you need to get some fresh air" Jungkook said again  "Hyung Kookie's right you need to get out" Jimin said worried " I told you guys I'm fine" Jungkook then took Yoongi's arm but Yoongi snatched it back right away " I'M FINE JUST GET OUT" out of anger Yoongi punches Jungkook, Jungkook hugs Yoongi to try to calm him while Jimin went and get someone.

Yoongi looks at his music and sighs all of a sudden the door slams open " Yoongi Hyung" He looks over to see Jimin and Jungkook at the door looking bad " What" he says irritated " You okay you haven't been out in a while" "I'm fine just go I need ...

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3 Years later~

"Jagiya" Yoongi turns around to see his girlfriend and smiles " Hey Jisoo" Yoongi goes up to her and hugs her tight " I missed you" He says and lets go "haha anyways ready to go?" She says smiling lightly " sure let me do something real quick" Yoongi goes to the dance studio to see all the members practicing " Oh hyung is Jisoo Noona here yet?" Taehyung says " Yeah, Just needed to get my things" Yoongi said and walks over to his bag. " Well I'm gonna go see you guys later" Yoongi says then leaves 

Seokjin's p.o.v

Looking at Yoongi and Jisoo reminds me of Y/n and I, I still really miss her and I don't think I can ever get over her but I will have too one day. Aster practice is done I go over to the flower store and go to the cemetery to see y/n's grave. Once I get there I keeled down, put the flowers next to her and started at the grave " Y/n I miss you so much, it's been 6 years since you passed away and I still can't stop thinking about you, I love you so much and I think it's time to let you go but you will be in my heart forever, goodbye my love" I said then stood up and stared a little but before I could leave I could feel Y/n's presents near me but I kept walking then a tear came out.

Your p.o.v~

I look over to Seokjin and smiled I'm glad that he will find someone new and even if I'm in a different place I will never forget him. I go over next to him and hugged him then he leaves. 

I go over to Yoongi and see his girlfriend, I'm happy that he has one and I hope they have a really good relationship as soon as I know it I start to disappear into dust " You ready?" I turn around to see Taehyung coming towards me "yeah I'm ready, wait Taehyung before I go please don't tell them that I was here with them" "Of course I won't as you can tell I'm really good at keeping secrets I mean I'm and angel pretending to be human" he said and smiles " hehe your right but anyways I'm ready to go now goodbye Taehyung, thank you for taking care of me for 5 years" I said and smiled " Goodbye Y/n We will all miss you" Taehyung says and waves goodbye, then I disappear the last thing I thought of before I was fully gone was all the memories me, Seokjin, and Yoongi had when we were young and I will never forget that because.... I love them all so much Goodbye you two and I love you....

AN: Okay that was so long to write and it made me really sad I don't know why I made it that sad but anyways I hope you liked this part bye bye ( The yoongi part is kinda complicated because I wrote those at different times)

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