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Wonhos pov

I felt y/n get up from under my head that was placed in her lap, she then proceeded to cover me with a blanket then walk to her room. I smiled to myself when I opened my eyes. I sat up and stretched and started heading towards my room, only to hear the muffled voice of y/n and another voice shushing her . "What the hell...?" I asked myself quietly. My eyes grew at the realization of what was happening. I slammed her bedroom door open and saw a man holding a cloth to my friends face.

"YAH!" I yelled. The man looked up from y/n and looked at me. I ran over to him and attempted to punch him. He ducked, grabbing me by my waist and pinned me to the floor. I huffed as the air was knocked of my lungs. After regaining some strength, I tried standing only to be kicked in the stomach. Losing the air I had just regained, the man took this opportunity to pick up y/n's seemingly lifeless body and left. I laid on the floor, gasping and choking. Realizing what just happened, I began to cry. Y/n was now gone. 'What do I tell her parents?'

A/n: eeehhhhh, sorry it's so short, but I updated yay! Next chapter will be up in a few minutes :3

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