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First and foremost, I would like to thank everybody who had read the first version of this fanfic and provided it with so much enthusiasm and support! I was definitely surprised by the feedback on it since it was haphazardly planned out in the beginning and definitely had some cringe-worthy moments. I most likely would have lost motivation to write this without such positive comments. Due to popular demand, the first version of it is still up for people who wish to see just how drastically this has changed (which will be quite a lot- especially concerning the characters ;) )

Secondly, I'd like to dedicate this to my dear friend, Grace, who unfortunately does not have a WattPad, since she was the one who I dragged into Kuroko no Basket and has been fangirling with me about it ever since.

Last, but definitely not the least, watching and/or reading the manga of Last Game/Extra Game is recommended before reading. I've made changes to the plot (in comparison to the first version) due to the ending of the movie version and it would make much more sense to you, the reader, if you do so.

It's been a long wait, but I hope that you all enjoy this newer and (hopefully) better version of this fanfic as much as you did with the first! Happy Reading ♡

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