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Jenna😎added Hanna💋, Aria📸, Spencer📓, Emily🐬, Ali🎉 to a group chat

Jenna😎: long time no see, liars

Ali🎉: what do you want, Jenna?

Jenna😎: what makes you think I want something?

Hanna💋: you always want something

Aria📸: especially from us

Jenna😎: relax, I just want a friendly, civilised conversation

Emily🐬: I don't think that's a good idea

Jenna😎: why not, Emily? Can we not just be friends and forget the past?

Hanna💋: I don't think it will be that easy

Jenna😎: well then

Jenna😎 has added Garrett🕵 to the group chat

Aria📸: Garrett?!

Garrett🕵: hello liars, it's been a while

Hanna💋: your supposed to be dead ?

Aria📸: you were killed on the train, i saw your body

Garrett🕵: I faked it, shouldn't be a surprise for you gals, it happened a lot in Rosewood

Emily🐬: Garrett, Jenna I think you guys should leave

Jenna😎: fine, think about what I said earlier

Jenna😎 has left the group chat

Garrett🕵 has left the group chat


Hey guys,

So what did you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!

What will the girls say to Jenna's offer? Will they become friends with her? Stay enemies? Or just be civil with her? Will the boys find out about Jenna and Garrett? Will they tell them? What is Jenna and Garrett up to? Are they up to something?

Let me know all your thought, ideas and suggestions in the comments below as I love reading them and make sure to give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed it! Thanks guys!


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