Chapter 1

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" You will be strong. " Her whisper seemed powerful and had its persuasion strength set up to its max.

" No " Her whisper was fading away. I wanted her to be there next to me.

" You will make me proud......Someday " She was leaving me. A sudden pain was burrowing in my heart. It stinged. She touched my hand. She let her teardrops fall on me. Without another sound, she stood up again in confidence. 

 " Dont go! Please ! " She faded away. I breathed for air. I breathed for oxygen. Morover, I breathed to see her again. My eyes opened. I could see the ceiling again. I was catching the reality again. It was just a dream. Just a dream. I knew that no matter how many times I'll say this, my mind won't be convinced enough to believe. But I have no other option. 

" Woah sister! Late again ? Or was it another evil dream ? " I caught my heart before it leaped out. My sister entered the room, changing the atmosphere into an energetic evil forcing me out of bed.

" Suze, how many times have I told you not to scare me on a Monday morning ? You never seem to understand. " I forced myself into the washroom with my half open eyes and looked in the mirror.

God, I must've been sweating miserably. Look at me, and my hair !

The world seemed all dizzy. I could see her everywhere. The lady . I have no idea who she is. But I am deeply attracted towards her. She has that energy which I want. I want to stay in her arms forever, and not leave. But who was she ? 


 " Ellie, you have to eat something. Your not going to school until you eat. " Mom hustled over the jam jars, searching.

" Mom, I'll eat in the cafeteria. I'm not hungry yet. " I hated the smell of food early morning.

" Don't argue. Atleast have an apple dear, " Now she looked straight into my eyes, daring me to revolt this time. It was her last offer.

I grabbed the smallest apple from the fruit basket and grabbed my school bag. After leaving the kitchen, I entered into the living room and looked for my dad.

" Daaaaaaaaad ? " I yelled, hoping for a response even if he was in the shower.

" Dad left. I'm driving you people. Where's Suze ? Tell her to come fast, I can't wait to get my hands on the wheel. " Luke appeared from his room carrying the car keys. He gave me a goofy grin. I teased him back. Luke was my big bro, and quite an irritating one too. But he meant to me even more than my parents. He was the one who kept me on track, but didn't think of me being capable of doing anything. 

" No ways, Luke ! Julie will be driving you all ! Now I don't want my car crashed. " Mom yelled from the kitchen.

" No ! I want to drive ! " Luke went to the kitchen to argue. His voice faded away. I sat down on the couch. Suze came out.

" What ? No drive ? " She forwarded me a questioning glance. I shrugged. I havn't seen Julie all morning.

" I'm calling Julie. " She thumped her bag onto me and went upstairs. We wern't exactly allowed inside. Atleast, that's what I think. I just came back home from Aunt Regina like a week ago. Due to the entrance of my step-sisters and my step-brother, the house needed air to breathe, and so did mom. So she left me and Suze in the safe custody of her sister.Though Suze wasn't in the habit and came back after six months, I was forced to stay with her for a year. Not that it was any trouble. I had my favorite cousin there.

Her room but maybe a knock was worth the risk. I could hear Suze yell for Julie. A moment later Julie followed by Suze came running down the steps.

" Sorry I'm late. Overslept. " Julie again gave her not-needed explanation while we retired towards the garage. Mom called in Julie and Suze to grab an apple and let us leave.

She truely must believe that we'll die hungry one day.

As we picked our seats in the car, Julie started her daily questioning. And on it went till we reached school.

" Okay, so which years do we have now ? " She asked. Even though she knew the answer even better than us, she teased away. I keep on thinking about the day when we four would all pass and have our own lives to live......

" Tenth. Bullshit year. " Luke replied in half a whisper. I wonder why he tries, we were not that young to go and complain to Mom about his rash usage of language. We were used to it now.

" Ninth. " I sighed. 

" And last, but not the least, Eighth " Energetic Suze showed her great sense of sarcarsm.

" Twelth for me. Last year in school. Then you wont see me anymore. Get ready for Luke to be driving you guys. " She gave a look to me in the rear view mirror as she drove.

And finally, the year had began. 

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