What Would You Do If

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Your crush's mom's house burned down this weekend. His mom died in the fire and his options are to either live with his father and his father's abusive girlfriend or to find another place to stay. None of his friends' parents will let him stay so he comes to you. You know that it will win you bonus points with him if you let him stay with you, you also know your mom will never let him stay. You also have the information that there happens to be an old couch in your basement your family doesn't use and your mom never goes down there. You know you'll be in huge trouble if your mom finds out but you also know you can't wait to see him in his jammies. What you doing?

A) Tell him sorry. You're super close to getting your license and you can't risk it. Roads before bros

B) Tell him he can have the couch but he can't stay

C) Ask him if he wants the continental breakfast with his stay as well

This was a long one sorry and yes, I have been rewatching Pretty Little Liars to get ready to watch the final season that came out earlier this year. So yeah, this sounds like the early Hanna-Caleb stage for a reason😂😂

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