Recipe for Revenge

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 (Knight Rider 1982 Fanfiction)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Knight Rider. These characters belong to Glen A. Larson and associates.

"Knight Rider...a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist...Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law." –Knight Rider Intro

"Michael?" the Knight Industries Two Thousand (also known as KITT) called out. "Are you alright?"

Michael glanced at his buddy's voice module on the dashboard and furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, Kitt. I'm fine."

"Michael, from my readings, your blood pressure is elevated and—"

Michael rested his head on the headrest and sighed, slightly exasperated. "Kitt, I'm fine. I'm just a bit stressed. So will ya knock it off, please?"

"Sorry, Michael," Kitt replied softly. "I just thought you would be all excited about your newly acquired vacation time."

He rolled his eyes and gripped Kitt's wheel tighter, getting agitated. "Vacation? What vacation? Every single time that I'm all set and ready to go, Devon calls, and my vacation is forgotten!"

Kitt's systems made a sound, and Devon appeared on the screen. "What was that you were saying, Michael?" the British gentleman asked curiously.

Michael groaned. "Nothing."

"Well, if it's nothing then you won't mind me giving you a bit of a detour before you go on that vacation..." Devon answered with a smile brightening his aged but somewhat handsome features.

"Look, Devon, is it really that important? I haven't had a vacation in months, I am running on fumes at the moment, and I can barely even stay awake."

"I completely understand. I wouldn't have asked you unless it was of the utmost importance...and I assure you it is."

"Fine, what is it now?"

"Over the past few months, bits of top secret information have been stolen—and not all at the same time or place either. All 10 pieces alone are virtually worthless, but together they are very valuable."

"Am I allowed to know what exactly these pieces of information are about? Or aren't I cleared?"

"You're cleared to know the basics. These pieces put together will make the deadliest warhead in American history."

"Wow, but why can't the FBI or CIA or some other government agency handle this? I mean, why the Foundation for Law and Government?"

"Getting the FBI or any of those other organizations involved would most likely attract the press and other unwanted visitors. So they figured that F.L.A.G. would be able to stop these thefts from happening and recover the missing pieces without a lot of hassle."

"Alright, Devon," Michael said holding up his hands in surrender. "But, after this, I am going on vacation. That's a promise." He pointed his finger threateningly at Devon.

"Quite right. Now, I need you to check out the government base in Fort Worth, Texas."

"Texas?! Do you know how far away Texas is from where I am now?"

"Michael, has it ever occurred to you that that is the very reason you have Kitt?"

"Point taken."

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