I hope Jimin Forgives Me in Time.

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Yoongi was thankful that Jimin did not press on the topic of why he was feeling off that day, instead Jimin treated him normally. Like there was no problem at all. Yoongi was indeed very thankful.

Jimin is good with dealing with people. He knows when to push a subject and knows when to just wait. He knew that it was too much for Yoongi now and so he lets his hyung slide just for now.

The two of them arrived at Jimin's at around 3:30am. Jimin's parents and younger brother was of course already asleep. Jimin led Yoongi by his room on the 2nd floor. "Hyung, we don't really have a guest room right now because they have been using it as a stock room at the moment so we have to share my room."

"Okay.", was all Yoongi can reply with. As Jimin opened the door to his room, Yoongi saw a bed set up next to Jimin's. "Well at least I don't have to share the bed with you. The last time I did, you kicked me."

"I did? Oh my god! Hyung, I'm so sorry!", Jimin blurts out. "Hahaha. Yes you did, Minnie but that's okay. I know you didn't mean to."

Minnie. Right, we really have to talk about what's bothering him tomorrow, or should I say later. Jimin says to himself.

Yoongi was surprised to see Jimin slipping in the bed at the floor. "Yah! Jimin! Is this not your bed?", Yoongi says as he points to Jimin's bed. "Yeah, hyung. But that is more comfy. I insist that you have it. I can't really afford to have you all grumpy. You don't listen to anyone except Jin-hyung when you're grumpy!", Jimin argues.

"Whatever!". Yoongi then plops to Jimin's bed. Both of them knowing that Yoongi being grumpy is only a secondary reason to Jimin giving up his bed. It's just Jimin, to prioritize others over himself. He's selfless like that.

Half an hour passed and there was utter silence in the room. Yoongi can't sleep, he was tired from his long day, flight and all but he just can't sleep. Things kept running through his mind. It was funny actually; he thought he was over all of this fuck. But there were just days like these, bad days where he was reminded of how worthless he was. He didn't realize he was crying until he felt hot tears dripping by his cheeks. He's lucky Jimin was already sleeping.

Jimin was almost drifting to sleep when his brain registered his hyung's silent sobs.

Very slowly he reached for his hyung's hand that he can see from where he is lying down and took it in his. "Hyung, it's gonna be okay."

Yoongi's words for the first time in his life, had failed him. He fell asleep crying his heart out whilst holding Jimin's hand. Jimin started drifting to sleep and involuntarily loosens his grip but Yoongi held on him even tighter.

It was unfair to take advantage of Jimin's feelings for him. But it was everything that Yoongi has right now. And he just can't afford to let go no matter how wrong it was.

I hope Jimin forgives me in time. Yoongi thinks to himself. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: So I uploaded two chapters today. I know I said there will only be 2-3 more chapters last time but I can't keep that promise. This will still be a short fic but please bear with me! :) 

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