Jorel Decker - What Do You Mean...

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Your POV:

"You don't have it?" I fumed at the cashier in front of me. "I was a faithful costumer but you fucked up big time!" I growled at her angrily and stormed out of the music store. They have one job and they can't even do it properly! I stomped a little further away from the shop and leaned on a pillar that was in the middle of the mall. I angrily typed a text telling my friend that drove me here that they didn't have what I was looking for and waited for their response. I felt someone lean on the pillar too as I glared impatiently at my phone.

"Hey, uhm," I heard someone spoke, I didn't bother looking up as my friend had just messaged me back saying that they couldn't pick me up before at least an hour as they were stuck in traffic. "so, they didn't have which CD exactly?" Well, I didn't expect someone to ask me anything after seeing my outburst... Whatever. I replied to him as I texted back my friend saying it was fine and that I would just walk around a bit as I could always do with some time alone.

"The new Hollywood Undead, it's called Five and I've been waiting for it for ages! But then the friend that drove me here is stuck in traffic so they can't pick me up and these fuckin-" I had begun to make expressive gestures with my hands and as I looked up to the person I was talking to, my mouth shut close. Jorel Decker was standing in front of me. He chuckled slightly:

"Wow, if that's not passion, I don't know what is." He spoke, clearly humbled by the underlying compliment I had just told him. My mouth opened and closed before opening again:

"Y-you're Jorel Decker." I said amazed as my remark came out more as a question. Once the surprise had settled in my brain a bit, I wanted to facepalm myself; of course he is, you dumbass!

"Indeed." He smiled nicely at me, "And you are...?" He asked trailing off.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." I answered quickly, "Nice to meet you!"

"The pleasure's all mine, (Y/N)." My name lingered on his lips as if he was tasting a rare wine and trying to analyze every single flavor it was composed of. "So, you're looking for the new album, right?" He asked after a short silence, I nodded.

"Yeah, they usually always have the music I'm looking for but, this time, even though I had ordered it online, they didn't." I looked down, I was definitely calmer now even though it still upset me.

"Well, I can always get you one." I shot my head up, raising my eyebrows; was he really offering me the opportunity to get their new album?

"Would you really do that for me?" I asked skeptically.

"Totally!" He exclaimed happily, "I can even get you a signed one if you want." I felt the corners of my mouth rising as I nodded vigorously. "I have one condition though..." My smile fell slightly as a quizical look made its way on my face. "Would you go on a date with me?" Confusion overwhelmed me and I gathered all the consciousness I had to reply:

"I... M-me? Will I go on a date with y-you?" I suttered a lot on my words but he didn't even laugh, he just stood there smiling, waiting for an answer. "I-I, uhm... Yes." He clasped his hands at that and hugged me tightly. His scent filled my nose and I knew at that exact moment that I didn't want to let him go. But I had to, of course; he felt my reluctantness to let him go so he grabbed my hand and gently kissed it. My cheeks instantly flushed red and I hid my face in my hair.

"Oh please don't cover your face," He pouted in a childlike manner, "you're too beautiful to hide..." He gently leaned my chin up and gazed deeply into my eyes. The hand that rested on my chin traveled up my jaw and he grabbed a piece of my hair and brushed it behind my hear. Then his hand left my face, "Oh I know! I'll give you my number so I can text you the details for our date." He rummaged through his pocket and got a pen and a paper out of it. I examined the number he gave me and blushed some more when I read 'Your future date' written above the digits. His phone buzzed and when he saw the notification he sighed, "I wish I could have stayed with you more but my band needs me." He flashed a saddened smile.

"No problem, go play some amazing music." I beamed as confidence took over my body.

"Oh I will!" He put his phone back in his poket and swiftly pecked my cheek; he walked towards the exit, waving me goodbye. Once he was out of sight, I took my phone out and typed his contact info. My brain froze when I started to write him a text... What was I supposed to say? 'Hey it's the chick you met at the mall 2 minutes ago, remember?' or 'So, for the date I'll be available at this time, around this place' or- Screw it, here goes nothing:

'Hey, it's (Y/N)'


Author's Note: YAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! The CD finally came in the mail! I'm so happyyyyyy! I had only listened to half of the song on Youtube because I wanted to have a little bit of surprise and oh boy do I love myself for making that decision! No but seriously though, it's just sooooo good!!!

I wonder what the procedure is to get married to an album...

Anyways! Hope you liked the OS! Byaaa!

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