❤️101k. 102k. 💬
PrinceTylerwwe: Happy friendship anniversary! ❤️😘Sashabankswwe: 😀
OhSnapItsJessica: I believe the boss can do better than Prince Tyler!
Beckylynchwwe: 🍵🍵
Charlottestittlewwe: 🍵🍵
CCWWE: find someone worth you while! Causes he's a man hoe!
Phenomenal_1: @OhSnapItsJessica
SamiZaynwwe: Let her learn the hard way.
Sashabankswwe: Sami!
PrinceTylerwwe: You'll learn Chanto is some hoe and needed someone sad to fix her sorry ass.
Sashabankswwe: Tyler To far..
PrinceTylerwwe: Well she broke my shoulder and my car...
Finnbalor: Chanto Becky and Jessica all went to far... you should of pressed charges!
PrinceTylerwwe: Two wrongs don't equal a wire. Sides there wifeys friends.
Sashabankswwe: Yes There wifey friends!
OhSnapItsJessica: Thank you!
CCWWE: glad some people care about me!
SamiZaynwwe: I do baby!
Emmawwe: Of courses I break this relashionship!!!
Alexiablisswwe: Tyler's worry all the money I have!!!
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