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I wasn't usually so forward with guys. I mean with the guys at school, I usually let them come to me. But with Cane, I felt like I had to put my foot down—that I needed him to know that I liked this. I wanted him. Badly.

I walked to him and sat on his lap. He tensed up, his arms on the arms of the recliner, as mine went around the back of his neck. Our faces were close, our mouths less than an inch apart.

"Godammit it, Kandy. Don't start this shit. What the hell are you doing?" he rasped.

"I want you to stop treating me like a kid."

"But you are a kid," he mumbled, and he lifted a hand to grip my face between his fingers. "You're a fucking kid, and not just any kid, you're Derek's kid, so get the hell off my lap."

"No," I snapped, staring him in the eyes. "I know that's not what you want."

"Kandy, your parents will be here any minute. Don't do this."

"Well, I guess I should make it quick then."

He narrowed his eyes. "Make what qu—"

Before he could finish speaking, my lips were on his. I kissed him hard and his hand fell. At first he didn't touch me. It was just like the first time, when he was trying to resist. I could tell he wanted to push me away—probably shove me onto the floor like I had some kind of disease—but he didn't this time.

No, this time, his hand slid up my spine and his fingers caressed my neck. They continued moving up until they were in my hair and then he clutched a handful of it in his hand, tugging on it and breaking the kiss.

He looked up at me with damp lips, eyes on fire now, both of us breathing raggedly. He studied my face, my eyes, probably realizing just how desperate I was. Probably realizing how badly I needed this. Needed him.

I didn't let him say anything else. I knew he would stop this if I didn't keep going, so I pulled his hand away and slid off of his lap, getting down on my knees on the floor and in between his legs. I couldn't believe I was doing this—right in my parents' living room—but I was too eager to stop myself.

"Kandy," Cane sighed. "Please. Not here. Not now."

"Why not?" I asked, unbuckling his belt and then unbuttoning his pants. I tugged on them, but he didn't lift his hips to make it easier for me, which only made me more ambitious. I tugged harder until I saw his briefs, then I peeled those down just enough to reveal his cock.

He sprung out and he was so hard. Thick, with veins running up from his shaft. His tip was round like a bulb, and thick too. He was so big, and staring at it left me curious. How was I going to fit him in my mouth—let alone...anywhere else?

"Kandy," Cane groaned, tensing up.

"They're not going to be here for another twenty or so, Cane."

"I don't care. Seriously. You have go to stop doing this." He sat up, gripping my shoulders. I pressed in more, my lips touching the tip of his cock and I could have sworn I felt his whole body shudder. "Fuck," he groaned. "Fuck, Kandy. Stop before I hurt your feelings."

"Then hurt them," I mumbled. "It's not like you aren't hurting them every time you come around and act like I hardly exist."

"You made it that way, by doing shit like this."

I pressed a hand on his chest to force him back in the chair. "I want to," I said, and then I dropped my head, wrapping my mouth around his cock.

"Damn," he sighed, and the tension only built up within him. His hands turned into fists on the arm of the chair. His head fell backward, face pointed up to the ceiling as I took him deeper in my mouth. I wasn't a pro at this—not by a long shot—but I also wasn't a newbie. I had performed oral before with Carl.

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