High Above

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Copyright © 2014 Haydee Salgado

All Rights Reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means—by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior or written permission.

High Above

Sometimes I just want to get out, away from the world and everything that came with it.

My only get away is laying back on my roof. Even though it may not be the greatest considering that it may as well be connected to our front neighbors. But no one ever comes out of their window, I don't think anyone even lives there. And if they do, they probably think I'm crazy for sitting up here all day and night. Oh well.

I sit out here looking at the sky, and just imagine what it would be like to fly away.

But with my luck, I'd probably end up flying right into an engine of a plane

If you think about it, I'm not very lucky at all.

Well, let's just say, people don't necessarily have a liking to me. Well to say that is an understatement, they hate my guts.

Yeah, I think that covers it pretty well.

I really don't know what I did to make them act like this, so I just keep to myself. You think 'maybe if I avoid them and pretend they aren't there at all cost, maybe they'll go away'. Well you're so wrong.

Enough of my life, I already have to deal with that in reality.

But up here, it's like my private sanctuary to get away.

"Arianna, if you don't hurry up you and Nate are going to be late. Again!" My mom shouts through my closed door. I take a glance at my watch and mutter a swear word.

7:50 , 10 minutes till the first bell. I scramble up from my spot and shoot through my window, closing it and the rushing down stairs to meet the eyes of my annoyed older brother Nate, and my mother.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time-" I started, then got rudely cut off by my jerk of a brother, "Again! One more time Hayden and I swear, I'm done taking you to school. You're already embarrassing enough when we are there"


"What?" he turns toward our mom raising his hands up like he did nothing wrong, of course he doesn't think he did anything wrong, he thinks he's the shit. Which he's not. But he is a little shit, I give him that.

"Get to school you two," both Nate and I make our way to the door before mom stops us, well me, again. "Arianna, forgetting something?" I turn and she's holding a breakfast bar. Uh gross.

I decided to pretend like I don't know what she's talking about, "I don't know what you're talking about" smooth Aria, real freaking smooth.

She gives me a look that says 'take it or I'll bite you' so I comply with my instinct and take the apple then dash for Nate's car before we're late.

Oh wait.

I run back real quick and stick my head in the front door, "Hey mom, it's Aria. Remember?" she looks at me funny then nods. I shoot her a small smile before running to the car. After listen to Nate complain about how If he's late he's blaming me, and blah blah blah- That's where I stopped listening. We pulled up to my living hell, Postel High School. More like Hostel if you ask me.

I get out of the car and watch Nate make his way over to his douche bag friends, as I walk up by myself. I don't have any real friends, the only girls that talk to me are girls that are trying to get into my brothers pants. Gross.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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