Chapter One

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Chapter One


Sitting here packing my bags, once again, leaving a broken home, I begin to wonder what has my life become. I mean, I'm not that bad of person. I'm loving, caring, and a great mother to my son. I don't deserve to be disrespected, mistreated, beat, or cheated on. I'm tired of this shit. I've been through enough in my twenty-eight years of life to last an entire lifetime.

"Bitch, you ain't going nowhere; especially not with my son." Tee yelled out as he grabbed the plastic bags out of my hand that was filled with the stuff I just packed.

"Tee, I'm tired of fighting with you. I can't do this anymore." I yelled as I attempted to grab my bags back from him.

Tee slapped me into the wall with his free hand. "Sitcho' ass back down. You get tired when I tell you to get fuckin' tired." He screamed back at me. "Fuck you think this is? I run shit in here, bitch."

I stayed pressed against the wall for a few minutes debating my next move. I was frozen there glaring at him. "You have one more damn time to put your hands on me, Tee, and I swear before God...," I spoke through gritted teeth.

He chuckled. "And you're gonna' do what? Play the victim like you normally do?" Tee walked closer to me. "Do you even know what the fuck we are arguing for this time? We argue so got damn much in this ma'fucka that you lose track of which argument we are actually arguing about." He shook his head.

Still glaring at him, I gave him his answer since he wanted to get into why I had an attitude this time. "Yes, I do know why. We are arguing because I noticed you aren't bringing anything to my life but drama. We've been together for eight years and all I got from you was hoes at my front door, drama with your mama, your funky ass friends hanging out at the house smoking weed in front of our three-year-old son, I have your stupid ass baby mom dropping off your daughter and disappearing for days, and to top off all the other shit, you come in here tonight and ask me to do a strip show for your boys and then asked for me to give them a little taste of what you get nightly. Nigga, FUCK YOU!" It was my turn to get in Tee's face.

Out of nowhere, Tee slapped me across the face for the second time. It was done so fast, that I didn't even see his hand come up. In one swift motion, he put me in a choke hold, squeezing so tight that tears started to come down my face. Unable to move, I started praying for strength.

"Mom. Mommmmy." I was slowly losing consciousness until the sound of my son's crying voice brought me back. "Mommy?" My son, Nyair, stood there watching his dad put his hands on me for the last time. I took all the strength I could muster up, and raised my knee up all the way into Tee's nuts. I made sure I heard some sort of popping sound. Instantly upon feeling the pain, Tee let go of my neck to grab his swelling testicles.

"I'm going to kill you. Bitch. Ahh shit. Fuck." Tee dropped to the ground, and continued to roll on the floor trying to ease the pain. "Wait until I get up. You better be gone or else you will feel my wrath. Fuck, I'm bleeding." He yelled noticing blood soaking up his pants. A few seconds later Tee was passed out on the kitchen floor.

"Come on baby." Still rubbing my sore neck, I ran over to pick-up a still crying Nyair. "It's okay baby, daddy won't ever hurt mommy again. I promise." I kissed him on his small, chubby, tear-stained cheek. Nyair laid his little head on my shoulders and stopped crying as I could still hear his little sniffling. I can't allow this to happen in front of my son. I don't want my son to follow the same pattern as his father.

I took one last glance at Tee, he was still out cold. I didn't feel an ounce of guilt. Thinking quick before he had a chance to wake up, I grabbed my bags, Nyair, my purse and cell phone and left. I can't deal with this anymore.

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