Part 1 **I have no names this time around**

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Scarlett is just a girl. So you thought. So i thought. Scarlett is a girl with jet black hair, with a fringe covering a half of her face. Usually pulled over one eye. She has crystal blue eyes and dark eyeliner, followed by pale skin, she is also seen a lot wearing bracelets, chokers and cowboy boots or converse. She wear skin tight skinny jeans, ripped and followed by a black shirt with lace or a band shirt covered by a studded leather jacket. 

Scarlett was awoken by the annoying noise of her alarm clock. With little effort she tried to turn it off. She got up and turned it off, walked over to her dresser and looked at herself. Her pale skin, her blue eyes.  She was happy the way she looked. Scarlett looked down to her arms the red lines still there, crossing all the way to the end of her wrist. She knew she had to stopped but didn't. She walked away. Sighing to herself. Scarlett went into her closet and grabbed her clothes; Her black skinny jeans, her studded belt, plain black long sleeved shirt. She picked up her black cowboy boots. Scarlett got changed, sat down at her dresser and put on her make up. She grabbed her comb and teased her hair. She turned her head...

"Fuck, i'm late" She yelled.

Scarlett slipped on her boots, grabbed her leather jacket and ran out the door. 

Scarlett walked through the main doors and to her class. She sat down.

"Late again? Well, Scarlett?" The teacher said without raising her head.

"Do you think i just wake up like this every morning?" Scarlett snapped back.

The teacher got up from her seat and walked over to Scarlett's desk and knelt in front of Scarlett.

"No, i don't. But i do know something. You have a really bad attitude you need to remove before you come into my class again." The teacher said, making direct eye contact with Scarlett.

Scarlett turned her head away. Breaking the contact between both of their eyes. The teacher was not stupid she knew why Scarlett had a bad attitude. But tried making Scarlett realize that it was just unacceptable for school. Scarlett didn't care. The teacher got up from next to Scarlett's desk and move back to her own. Miss sat down and returned back to marking. Scarlett leaned back and threw her feet up on the desk. She got out her phone from her back pocket and started texting her friends. 

"SCARLETT!" Miss yelled.

Scarlett took no notice and just laughed to herself. She looked up to find the teacher glaring at her.

"What is with the glare? I am not distracting you. Nor am i distracting the class." Scarlett said.

The teacher snatched her phone from out of her hands and pushed her feet off the table and as she walked away she felt something grab the back of her cardigan.

"Look, i have a very little patience for people like you." Scarlett snapped.

"Well, then maybe you would like it better in a prison? " The teacher asked.

"I suggest you give me back my property. Or you will be finding yourself in a hospital. Am i clear?" Scarlett warned.

The teacher swolled hard. Sweat rolling down her face and throw the phone back into Scarlett's grip. The teacher slowly made her way back to her desk after she was released from Scarlett's grasp. Scarlett smirked to her self and listened to the whispers of the other kids in the class talking about how "fucked up" Scarlett was. Scarlett got up and left. She didn't wanna stay in there with a bunch of back stabbing fuckers. School is just full of them. Scarlett walked to her locker and slammed her head into it. She felt trapped. Like in a cage and she couldn't find a way out. But at the same time she did not want to. She was happy being the way she was. The walls she built was to protect herself and nobody else. Another person made their way towards her. She thought it was a class teacher but it wasn't. It was a guy who kept picking fights with Scarlett.

"Okay, honestly. What the fuck do you have against me?" Scarlett yelled.

"I don't like the way you look, I don't like the way you are. YOU seriously need to clean up your act." They yelled at her.

"Well, I am me, you cant change me. So kindly fuck off?" Scarlett asked.

Scarlett walked away but to her surprise she was grabbed and shoved against the locker. Held by the collar of her jacket. 

"No, I wont fuck-off" They breathed into her face.

"Listen here! You fucking psycho. I swear to god if we cross again I will beat the fuck into you. Clear?" They snapped.

Scarlett laughed and kicked them right in the balls. She slipped underneath them grabbed them by the collar instead. She laughed right into their face. 

"It is not me I am worried about. It is your pretty little fucking face. Splattered. Splattered all over these lockers" 

Scarlett selammed their head into the locker. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Am I clear?" She asked,

"Crystal" The guy whined.

Scarlett slammed his face into the locker and threw him into the ground. 

"Good, cause you know as well as others i'm just insane, You can't change me, but you know where to find me. I will be waiting for the day where you man up and actually decide to fight me 1-on-1." Scarlett said.

Scarlett let go of the man and walked away, laughing. She knew this was who she enjoyed being. being feared by everybody. Scarlett had a secret. She actually had many. The man got up and ran away. Bleeding.

Scarlett looked over her shoulder and looked at the blood he had left at her locker..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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