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    20 years ago my father left for the great war of Troy. I was left with my mother Penelope, the suitors, the maids, and the whole kingdom of Ithaca. Everyday I would hope my father would come back, so everything can go back to normal.

Honestly I never knew what normal was. All I knew was that my father was a hero, my mother was madly in love with him, and everyone was happy.  Now a days my mother is angered by all the suitors falling for her to take her hand in marriage.

  The suitors also have been getting a little to close to me for some reason and if they have one little though of me convincing my mother to take their hand in marriage they are oh so wrong. My mother is the most faithful woman I know. My father on the other hand... I don't know but I do want to know.

  Recently my mother has been talking about me getting married and having kids of my own in the future. She wants me to be prepared to take over Ithaca if my father ever returns. She hoped everyday he would be home, or closer to home.
  Seeing my mom sad and stressed made me feel the same way. I usually go off into town and sit off shore or go off and adventure. Sometimes she isn't stressed or sad I still go off and adventure.

Today was different, I told mother I'll be back soon and she nodded her head and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. She made my heart warm unlike any other woman could.

The truth is I never felt love for a woman. The feeling never came but I loved them as a friend not just a wife. On the other hand my best friend Anastasia. She is the best, and she truly supports me with anything.

   Anyways I headed off the fields to see if anything knew has came. I heard a fall come from a far. I ran towards the noise from where I heard it. Then I heard another crash.

Suddenly I heard a loud yell come from the distance. I ran faster to the noise worrying about whom ever fell.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I yelled as I got closer. Once I got closer I saw a young brown haired boy, laughing. His face was bright red with a cut on his arm.

"Oh my, sir are you okay?" I asked falling to my knees grabbing his arm. He looked at me and smiled. He had huge green eyes and long black eyelashes.

" Well of course. If I wasn't okay I wouldn't be laughing, more of crying." He smiled. I smiled back and laughed a little. I stood up and reached my arm to help him up. He grabbed my hand and stood up. Still he had a huge smile.

"You seem to smile a lot." I giggled. He looked down and laughed too. I couldn't help but look at him from top to bottom. I sighed "So what is your name smiley?"

He looked up at me "My name is Hesperos. My mother says it means evening star." I smiled, that was a really cute name. "What's your name?"

I laughed, but this time he didn't smile he had a confused look on his face. I stopped, and cleared my throat, "I am Telemachus, son of Lord Odysseus and Penelope."

Hesperos look surprised, "Telemachus? Huh son of Odysseus and Penelope. I know this question is gonna be personal but do you miss your dad?"

I looked down and sighed. I took a seat on the grass, "Of course I miss my father but the truth is if I saw him I would be happy, but how will I know it's him. He's been gone for 20 years."

  Hesperos took a seat next to me, "Telemachus, when you see him everything will be happy once again. Look at your mother. I hate to say this but she is nothing without him, but she has you and if you can fulfill stuff like your dad, you'll be a hero like him, just don't leave your mother like your father did. But he left for something good."

I sniffed a little "What if he never comes back." Hesperos put his hand on my shoulder, "Look Telemachus, you got to have hope for him to come back. I understand you been hoping everyday but it's all going to pay off someday, maybe even today." I looked at him and had a huge bright smile, "Hesperos, your an amazing man."

  He gave a hug and we stood up. He pulled back and looked at me "I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow right here at sun rise." I nodded my head and watch Hesperos dig a tiny hole in the ground.

  We both walk back into town and went our separate ways. My heart felt warm very warm. It was odd I never felt like this before. Not even with Anastasia and she is my best friend.

Once I got back home I sat there with the cattle happy as can be. I heard foot steps and turned around. I saw an old begger standing there looking at me

"Hello Stranger. How may I help you." I said looking him from the tip of his head, to the tip of his toes. Suddenly a golden light appears over him and he looks like.. I don't know, just not a begger.

"A-are you a god?" I said shocked.

"No Telemachus, I'm your father. Odysseus." He said with a smile beautiful as my mother's.

I couldn't speak I had my words caught in my throat. All I could think was that my father, who he says he is, is standing in front of me but he didn't look like this ealier. I had no words to say but I cried. Very salty tears I cried after he explain to me the truth.

Authors note

I didn't put the true story of Telemachus of when his father left, or the full conversation, only because this is my story of Telemachus' love life but all that matters is that his dad is back and he is happy. Now we have to go through the story of the fight and blah blah.
Though it did take me forever to find names for Telemachus best friend and new friend but I didn't want to use his real wifes name or some common English name like Jake or Brian. I took a lot of time in this book and I hope you enjoy it as much and I am right now.
I should update soon hopefully but you'll get a note on it.

Date~ 11/3/17

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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