Insane - Justin Bieber Fanfiction

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The perfect word to describe Justin.

He was never like this,

but the voice in his head took over.

He had no friends..

Everyone in his family left him.

He was by himself but the voice in his head was always there..

"Justin, you will always listen to me right? I'm the only one who cares."

"yes master, always"

There was no limit for Justin.

Murders, beatings, kidnappings.

Love? Oh no.

The voice in his head claimed Justin.

Well, that's what the voice thought. 

"you will love no one, no one cares"

"no one cares.."

Justin has suffered through depression, bullying, abuse, etc.

He is bipolar and tried to kill himself once.

The voice took over him and knows what it's doing..

Happy endings never exist for the insane,

and Justin will DEFINITELY not have one.. 

"You don't have to be afraid,

You don't even have to be brave.

Living in a gilded cage.

The only risk is that you'll go,


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Insane - Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now