Chapter 5: Flaming love

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Chapter 5: Flaming Love

The next day was a rainy day. It wasn't like South Park to have those kinds of days, considering it's a sunny town covered in snow constantly. The rain hits against the window of Pips' house, it making soft thuds.
Damien was sitting at the edge of Pips' bed, eyeing the sleeping blonde carefully. He sat criss cross with his arms in his lap. Damien found Pips' description to be quite fascinating for him. His girl like hair, that brown cap which barely kept itself on his sleeping self. The red dress shirt that was a bit unbuttoned, and his scrawny figure to go along with it. "Such a feminine boy.." Damien mutters under his breath, tapping his sharp finger nails against his legs. He looked over at the window that was being constantly hit by the falling drops of rain, also finding it to be interesting. He sighed then turned to a groaning blonde who seemed to be waking up. "Oh, Morning, Damien." Pip greets with his voice scratchy. The Antichrist couldn't help but to smirk at the Brit. "Sleep well?" He asks Pip, who nods as he stretched himself before his eyes fluttered open. "Oh dear, is it raining?" He sat up, glancing at the window that was dotted with rain drops. "Well, there is water falling from the sky. So, yeah, it is." Damien answers rudely, though Pip didn't see it that way. "Oh Damien." He sighed. The Antichrist raised his eyebrow at the boy who glanced at him. "I must attend school today, but oh dear it is raining." Pip tells the boy who seemed lost due to the Blondes' British accent. "Okay?" Damien was confused. "Well, I will see you later, Damien." He hopped off the bed and left the room, leaving Damien there who still seemed confused.
The blonde tied the laces on his shoes then stepped out under the raining clouds. "Oh I wish I had an umbrella.." Pip huffed in annoyance before walking down the sidewalk. He wasn't bothered with the rain, because that's how it usually went. It would rain and the poor boy didn't have an umbrella to protect him from getting drenched while he waited for the bus stop. Oh well, he thought.
"Kid, seriously?" Pip's ears twitch to the voice and he turned on his heels, seeing Damien. He had his arms crossed. "Seriously? For?" Pip didn't understand. "Seriously. You're walking in the rain?" Damien raised his eyebrows. "You're standing in it!" Pip points out, but a chuckle was heard from Damien. "Oh Pip, look closer." Damien spoke. Pip blinked his eyes a couple of times before taking another look, seeing that the rain was falling around Damien, not even touching him. "B-But what? How?" Pip asks. The Antichrist chuckled. "I'm the Antichrist, I have powers, remember human?" He asks the Brit. "Oh, well I suppose I have forgot about it." Pip bit his bottom lip, still a little amazed at how the rain hit everywhere but Damien. "Why must you walk in the rain, Pip?" He asks the blonde. "W-Well, I have to go to school, and I don't have a car to drive myself." Pip explains. Damien nods, then sighed. "Fine then, supposedly you don't have the transportation of your own so you have to wait for one. Seems reasonable." Pip nods in agreement. "Righto." They began to walk.
Pip waited beside the Bus Stop sign, his whole body drenched. Damien on the other hand was standing beside him, fully dry and untouched. "When is this so called 'bus' going to arrive?" He asks Pip. "Give it a minute, Damien." He spoke, the demon huffing in irritation. "I could easily be at your learning center in just a second, why are you humans confusing and patient? Grr."
The bus came, and the bus driver looked at the odd blonde who was wet, but found it concerning to see there was a puddle of dry land standing next to him, like the rain was avoiding there. It was South Park, so she didn't take it into consideration.
Pip sat down in the far back next to the window, Damien sitting next to him. "Did you see the way that witch was staring at me?" Damien asked Pip, who eyed him. "You mean the Bus Driver?" He asks the Antichrist. "Yes. That human who is moving this vehicle." Damien answered, turning to the woman who drove with eyebrows frowning. "Can I turn her into a toad? I don't like the way she was looking at me." Damien growls. Pip chuckled. "No you can't, Damien. You see, if you did, she wouldn't be able to drive, and we would crash." The blonde explained. "Ugh, you humans and your weird assumptions. You mortals are strange to me." Damien said. Pip looks at him. "Well I'm not the one with sheep horns sticking out of the sides of my head." He comments, receiving a glare from the Antichrist himself who seemed to be bothered with Pips' comment. "Oh I didn't mean to offend you, Damien! I just simply stated that you have horns growing out of your head." Pip said. The Antichrist reached for one of his horns to see if Pip was true. When he felt one, he grinned and took his hand away. "I guess I do, mortal. It doesn't mean I'm any stranger than you humans." Damien said. Pip eyed him once again and only smiled a little to his comment. "You are the son of Satan himself, and yet you don't find that being strange alone?" He giggled. "You are weird, Damien." The blonde looks out of the window, where he was frozen in sudden surprise to see red marks on the glass, spelling out "you too are strange, Phillip." The blonde wasn't sure why that ended up being there. "Damien, did you?" He turned but the Antichrist wasn't there. Pip looked around, seeing that the bus was suddenly different. It was empty, with broken windows and the bus being driven by nothing but itself. The blonde whimpers as he pressed himself in the corner of his seat. "This is where we played, where we laughed.." A voice said. Pip covered his ears, biting his lip to control himself. His fingernails dig into the side of his head as he let out shaky breaths. It's happening again. "But now? Hah, now we play with our demons. In hell." The voice sounded serious, rather than playful. "Pip! Pip!"

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