Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I followed my muddy apprentice through the bracken covered forest. There was no sound from us except Fawnpaw's frustrated muttering. I couldn't hear her very well but I caught tidbits of her monologue

"That little...." "When I get my claws on him.." "Ugh" "I hate water!" and other non repeatable phrases were spewed from Fawnpaw's muzzle.

I rolled my icy blue eyes and hopped over a log blocking the path. We reached the border of our territory and was greated with the strong sent of Windclan and Thunderclan. Our camp and territory was placed right behind the two, which brought us very close to the twoleg nest. Quickly, me and Fawnpaw raced down the scent marker straight down to the lake. We stopped at the bank and I heard Fawnpaw groan "Uuughh water!"

I smirked at her, which cause  my abnormally long fangs poke out from mouth.

"Come on apprentice, time for a swim!" I said in fake enthusiasm. Fawnpaw's responded by narrowing her bright green eyes and stepped into the murky lake water.

"Eck!" She spat. Fawnpaw let out a small mewl of agony and continued into the water. "I swear to Starclan that Inkpaw is going to pay for this!"

Her tan fur sank lower and lower into the lake until only Fawnpaw's head bobbed above the water. "Make sure you clean your face!" I call from the sandy bank. I hear Fawnpaw growl before she sinks even lower into the lake. After about half of a minute, Fawnpaw's head shoots up out of the water, mud free. She starts back towards the shore and reaches it quickly. Fawnpaw walks further onto the bank and givers he  pelt a shake. After she shakes off as many droplets of water she can, with still very wet fur ,she kind of just stands there for a while like she's winded. I notice her light tan fur had darkened a considerable amount from the water, and so had her eyes, but that wasn't from the water.

Shoot Inkpaw better watch his tail or he's gonna lose it.

Fawnpaw seems to have caught a second wind and begins trudging back towards the forest with the most hateful scowl on her face. "You must really hate water for you to be this angry." I commented. My apprentice responded with only a quick glare before she headed back along the scent markers of Windclan and Thunderclan.

Not long after Fawnpaw's little swim, we had arrived back in our territory. Her pelt was still damp but had lightened a few shades during our trip back from the lake. As soon as we reached the clearing Fawnpaw had began rapidly lapping at her fur to dry it.

After about five minutes my apprentice finished her drying session and scampered over to me, her expression much happier because of her dry fur.

"You ready to go train?" I questioned amusedly at her dramatic mood change.

"Yup! Let's start with battle training so I can let out all my anger before we head over to Thunderclan to give them our message." She replied in a scary, overly optimistic tone. I made a light laughing sound and headed towards the thorny entrance.

"Ok, let's go."


Nyello anyone who's reading this book! Sorry it took a while to update I kinda got caught up in doing nothing so I couldn't write my book.... Anywho, I hope y'all like this so far, and I know the cat expressions are very human-ish like when they smirk or laugh but try to just roll with it because I'm probably not going to fix it.

Ok bye. :)


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