Chapter 5

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Both teams arrived at the rendezvous point outside of the GIW building. Peter looked at the two teens and the ghost "Where's Danny? Err... the OTHER Danny?"

"He got grounded." Tucker quickly supplied. A bit too quickly where Egon was concerned. But he didn't have time to question him now. They had a job to do.

~time skip~

Thanks to Danny's invisibility they were able to sneak in with no trouble. They then proceeded to let all hell break lose. Danny had provided everyone with occupied Fenton Thermoses. As soon as they were in the center of the building they each opened their device.

All of them laughed as they watched the GIW agents scramble to capture the angry ghosts. Danny may or may not have shaken the thermoses a few times before opening them. He had to make sure they really put on a show.

All of them traveled to the control room and Egon and Tucker hacked into their system. All of their files were deleted and they planted a virus that they uploaded to all of their servers across the country. The Guys in White wouldn't be bothering anyone for a while.

The group was making their escape when the agents who originally recited the Ghostbusters stopped them. "And where do you think you're going?" the two pointed their guns at Peter "You broke our deal. That was a really dumb move Venkmen. And know you just hacked into a government building. You'll be going to jail for this."

Peter waved him off "Don't worry I've got a really good lawyer." The other three smiled thinking of the same person as him. "Besides, you've got this kid all wrong." He nodded over at Danny "All he's trying to do is protect his home. He's no villain."

"Why you...!" Danny didn't wait to hear gun shots as he quickly sprang into action.

At first Peter was stunned. Why wasn't he dead? Then he looked up just in time to see Danny collapse to the floor in front of him. Sam and Tucker yelled as Winston and Ray quickly punched the two men in the face. Egon raced to Danny's side "He's still with us but he needs medical attention."

"How are we going to do that?!" Ray looked like he was going to have a break down. "He's a ghost! How are we supposed to give him medical attention?!"

Sam and Tucker shared a glance. "We can help with that..." the men all gapped at them "But we need to get him out of her first..."

~time skip~

Peter gently laid Danny on a stretcher they kept in the Ecto 1. (You never knew when it could come in handy!) Egon looked over at Sam and Tucker "If you've got a way to help you'd better do it quick. He doesn't have much time..."

Sam walked over to Danny and shook him awake "Danny?" his eyes blinked a bit so she knew he could hear her. "You aren't going to like this but... I need you to change back..." his eyes shot open with fear "It's ok we can trust them. But you're really hurt and they don't know how to take care of you if you're a ghost." He seemed to debate something in his head before he finally nodded at her. She stepped back as two rings formed around his waist. When they parted the Ghostbusters were shocked to see the boy from this morning. Sam looked to Egon who was also in shock "Well? Save him!"

"Ah... Yes!" he quickly got to removing the bullet from his chest. After about an hour he had finally finished. Sam and Tucker had been telling them the story of how Danny had gotten his powers. It was heartwarming and sad at the same time. He was so young to have experienced that much pain... Once the Ghostbusters had sent the kids home they couldn't thinking about what they had said. They didn't think they would ever be able to get over it.

~time skip~

The next morning they were just about to get in the car and head back to New York when the Ghostbusters heard a tapping on a window. They looked over to see Danny Phantom standing on the patio. Peter quickly opened it for him and he walked in. (That was much more polite than phasing his way through.)

He smiled at them and changed into his human form. "I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. Sam and Tucker told me what you did."

"Kid you saved MY life!" Peter exclaimed. "I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Danny shook his head "No payment necessary. Well it was nice working with you all. If you're ever in Amity make sure you stop by. My full name is Danny Fenton." He then transformed into his alter ego.

"Same for you if you're ever in New York!" Danny smiled and waved goodbye as he flew off. Peter smiled. "He sure is a good kid." From that day on it was never an odd occurrence to see Team Phantom and the Ghostbusters working side by side. They really made a great team.

(A/N - Well guys that's it. I hope you liked it! :) Thanks for reading!) 

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