Cairns Australia

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Today is still the day with my mother. Having to go shopping and still nothing fun to do. She picks up all she wants and needs and I Did the same. I got some candy and that's it. As we walked to te last Asle she stopped for a Dramatic pause? Me- Mother, Mother are you okay? Mother- Yeah, yeah I'm fine thanks let's just go. It was like she had seen something or someone she did not want to see again? I don't know what the deal is but I bet you it's not good. The Cashier Checked out our things and we walked out the store. Mother keeps looking back and I just keep walking forward.

Slamming car doors and buckling seat belts as we get on our way to the house. Mother- So how are you and your friends getting along? Do you guys still hang out? Me- Yes mother we do, In fact were going to the beach today and hopeing that it gets a little hotter to do so. Mother- Oh, well that sounds nice who's all gonna be there? Me- Me , Jessica, Nates Girlfriend and some other extras. Mother- Well I hope you have a lot of fun. Me- Thank you mother. This just might be the first time we ever had a conversation like this speaking of which I never did when I was little? ( Flash Back) Little Mariah- Mommy look I can swim! Mother- Not now sweetie. Mommy look at me and nate, mommy? Mother- Sweetie I'm really busy come on it's time to go? But mommy, Mother- Mariah! I said it's time to go!!!!? ( Right now) Back in those days I felt like I Was a bad child, like I was doing everything wrong to her. But I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

One more mile to go and then we can finally be home, I can change into my Bikini and Head down to the beach. Me and my friends have been planning this forever! and now we can finally do so. I still wish I had someone who could go with me to the beach as a date or even a boyfriend. ( Sigh) Just once can I see wat it feels like to be loved? But what happens , happens so I'm okay for now. Oh how cool will it be to go to the beach with my friends and my guy friends, friend but still he seems more like a whole bunch of guys than just one. Mother- Mariah when we get home don't forget to put the Groceries up okay? I have Important phone calls to make. Me- Yeah Okay mom I'll do so. We finally get in the drive way and I rushed up to the door with Groceries in my hands. I waited for my mother to open the door with her house key and when she did I ran in as if it wa an Emergency.  I put the Groceries up quicky went upstairs took off my normal clothes, Put on my Crop top that said Bikni Season, My Short Blue Jean Shorts My Shades a Light Tan Purse and a Pink Bikni Top Underneath it. My friends would say that It's Safr But I love it. I brushed my hair then headed out. Bye Mother I'll see you later. Nothing.

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