Chapter 17-Edited

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*Regins PoV*
I woke up with a sleeping River next to me.I smiled remembering that we are now fully mated.I got up carefully not waking him and walked into the bathroom.I did my business and washed my hands.I looked into the mirror and saw my mark.(uptop).
I feel hands wrapping around me."I thought you where sleeping."I told him while admiring my mark."I woke up when you climbed out of the bed."He said."Oh sorry for waking you."I said and turned around and kissed him."Your forgiven."He told me breaking the kiss.*Growl*.I blushed."I think someone's hungry."River said with amusement in his eyes.I just nodded embarrassed."Well then I'll let you take a shower while I make us breakfast."He said and pecked my lips.I pouted and crossed my arms.He rolled his eyes and kissed me.I of course kissed him back.We broke the kiss due to the lack of air and I smiled.He walked out probably getting dressed and going to make breakfast.I went out the bathroom,grabbed clothes and went to take a shower.When I finished showering I got out and got dressed.I dried my hair and went downstairs to see my handsome alpha cooking breakfast and stacy sitting on a stool watching him.That made me mad.*Growl* I glared at Stacy.River and Stacy turned to me with amusement in their eyes."And I thought I was possessive."River said amused.I blushed."Sorry Stace."I said embarrassed."It's fine."She said.I went and sat down next to her.She looked at me and chocked on her own spit.I rubbed her back and frowned."HE MARKED YOU!?"She asked...Well yelled."Ummmmm..."I said blushing.River smirked and said."And mated."That caused my to blush even more.Damn I might as well be the reddest tomato ever.She just laughed at my flushed face."You better tell me the details later chicka."She said.River then came and gave us our breakfast.He picked me up and put me on his lap and started feeding me."Ya know I can eat by myself."I told him."I know I just don't care."He replied smirking.Handsome Bastard.I rolled my eyes and let him feed me.

Hope you guys enjoyed:)
I will be making a new chapter everyday.

Peace out ✌🏽

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