15 1 0

5:15 rolled around, and Lochlan still hadn't showed up. I had settled down after getting home from practice and finished all my other homework. I started reading Into the Frost while waiting for him to arrive.

He's not actually gonna do the project. I thought.
Shut up, I told myself. He's probably just late.

5:25 came, still no sign of him. You'd think for a guy who lives two houses down from you and made plans with you would be able to show up on time.

5:30. At this rate I think the pizza I ordered a few minutes ago is going to get here faster than him, if he even comes at all.

5:45. I french braid my brown hair and change into leggings and a Michigan State University crop top. At this point I highly doubt that he'll show up. I honestly expected so much more.

I curl up on the sofa, taking note that it's poring outside, and go back to reading. Rain pounds on the roof, the wind howling.

At first when I hear the banging I think it's just a tree. But then it gets louder, quicker. I run to the window. In my driveway is a black rover.

I race to the front door, flinging it open and pulling the soaking wet blond inside, not even thinking twice. He stumbles, startled by the sudden action, before I place my hands on his shoulders to steady him.

" Lochlan?!"
" I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to be so late!"
" Wh-where were you?! You're over an hour late!"
" I-I was at... something." He sighed. " Can we still work on the project, or am I too late?"

I shake my head. " No, we can still work on it. Want some pizza?" He nods, and stands in the foyer while I grab the pizza box, beckoning for him to follow me upstairs.

I blush when I realize I'm bringing Lochlan in my room, and as much as I hate him, I have to admit he's gorgeous. It's not that I haven't had a boyfriend before, it's just that, well, I'm a virgin. And there is a hot guy in my room. I know his intentions are to actually study, but neither of us are getting anywhere by standing around with bright red faces.

I plop down into a fluffy light grey bean bag chair, Lochlan rushing to do the same, and we both pull out our computers. At last we discuss the project, but talking slowly turns to a minimum.

After a while I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, but when I come back, Lochlan's eyes are fixed on a particular spot on my bookshelf.

He pulls Facing the Summit out, saying, " Hey Kayla, I didn't know you read this seri-" I rush forward and reach for the book but he pulls it back last second and I fall into him, suddenly blinded by a white light, my head pounding.

When my vision returns, I sit up, rubbing my head and look around. " I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..."

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