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WARNING: There will be plenty of POV changes


Baekhyun's POV

Tuesday 8:00 AM

I was currently sitting on one of the expensive black couches on the first floor of the most popular cosmetics company, The Eyeline Company, waiting for my turn to talk with the CEO

the elevator to my right dinged

the doors opened and a Japanese man in his late 30's stepped out and approached me

"are you Mr. Byun Baek Hyun?" he asked

I nodded

"I am Shiro Hanasaki, the CEO's secretary.

Now come, she is waiting for you" he said

then he turned around and made his way back to the elevator with me following closely behind

. . .

when we finally reached the top floor (the 20th floor),

he asked me to stay put and entered the black door with a golden plate that says Ms. (Y/N)

'hmmmm...it sounds familiar, I wonder where I've heard it before'

Mr. Shiro then knocked on the door, pulling me out from my thoughts, and said

"The male model is here, Ms. (Y/N)"

"Let him in"

. . .

Your POV

Same day 8:46 AM

I nervously played with my pen as I sat on my chair, waiting for him

"The male model is here, Ms. (Y/N)" I heard my secretary call out from the other side of the door

"Let him in" I said

The door then opened revealing him

my breath hitched as all of my feelings for him came rocketing back to me


"errr... hi Baekhyun"

. . .

Baekhyun's POV

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I never really thought I would see her again.

She who made me see the importance of life

The one who taught me happiness

The one who taught me love

The one who made me feel a new kind of pain.

I still remember how we met like it was yesterday


I was resting on my usual spot under the huge tree found in our school's backyard listening to one of my favourite songs

I was about to go to sleep when a loud scream was heard

I quickly sat up from my comfortable possition and looked around, trying to find its source.

Finally finding it, I stood up and dusted some leaves and a bit of dirt from my clothes, and then I started walking to the abandoned shed near my spot.

And when I opened the door, a gasp(not mine of course) was heard along with a relieved cry

Not knowing what to do with the situation, I raked my mind for something to say. I came up with one, said it, and quickly regretted, thinking of how stupid I must have sounded.

"Hey, do you have an eyeliner?"

*end of flashback*

'God, I just want to hug her and smother her with kisses. Then I'll take her to a dat- no, wait., I should probably ask her out first then she'll say yes and THEN WE WILL GO TO A FANCY RESTAURANT FOR OUR DATE WHICH WILL THEN LEAD TO MARRIAGE AND THEN WE WILL HAVE MINI US RUNNI-'

My mental rant was cut off by a cough coming from Mr. Hanasaki

"Do you need anything else Ms. (Y/N)?" he asked

"No, you're dismissed"

And with that being said, he did a quick bow and left the room closing the door behind him.


《still writing. . .this is it for now :)》

Check the story everyday to see if I added more :D

I added some just now :)

= AUGUST 28, 2014

= SEPTEMBER 3, 2014

= NOVEMBER 21, 2014

Pretty Eyes (exo baekhyun) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now