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"Wait it can't be. Kuro?"

"Yes. Who else would it be?"

"I don't know. A stranger?" I thought for a minute,"I-I...you were a cat when left this morning."

"Well I should tell you that I am really a vampire. And if you say my name out loud again than something will happen. And you won't like it."

"Well I only know you by the name I gave you witch is Kuro so..." Suddenly a light blue cord went from my wrist to his neck. "What the fuck just happened?" I question after a while.

"Well for starters I told you not to say my name."

"Just tell me what happened!"

"I was going to but you stopped me so what happened was that since I am a vampire. Well to be pacific I am a Servamp and when a person calls my name and has given me something then this happens." He explained. But I still don't get something. When did I give him something. Then it hits me. I had given him a collar when I still thought he was a cat.

"Well shit. When does it go away?" I questioned.

"At the most about a month or two."

"So we will be stuck together for a while?"

"Well shit." I said

sorry for the slow update. I will try to update sooner. Well read on to see what will happen next.★

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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