To Wander

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Herobrine stood by the stained glass window, colorless eyes looking out through them at the fields below. The rest of the world outside the tower lay before him, painted in green, blue, and every other color in between. It was beautiful, and he was glad that he was reminded of this every day.

"I thought I would find you here." A rumbling voice said behind him. He had no cause to turn, he already knew whom the voice belonged to.

"Is there something you require of me?" He answered, clasping his hands behind his back. A warm chuckle from his companion followed.

"It would seem you require something of yourself."

"Hm. Care to elaborate, friend?" He turned, finally, to raise an eyebrow at the dark scaled dragon. His expression was given a slight grin in response.

"You desire to explore the world, do you not? Why else would you spend your Overworld hours here, gazing at the outside?"

"Am I that transparent?"

A light rasp of laughter. "Not usually. It is not hard to figure out, not with the knowledge of your love for the world you watch over."

The white-eyed guardian turned back to watching the scenery, having no objection to the dragon's intrusion of his space. From the corner of his eye, he could see her massive head moving to his side, viewing the world through the colorful lense of the window with him. The moment was shared between them, a moment of admiration, of wistful want. At least, wistful in regards to Herobrine. The dragon felt more than content with her own home in the End, where she and her subjects adored the empty landscape that was the Void and its Ender islands.


Herobrine turned to face her fully, eyes wide. That same gentle, deep, feminine bass of laughter rumbled through her.

"Why do you make that face at me, flesh-man? I have no qualms with watching over your lair while you travel. So I say to you again: Go."

He remained in place, almost forgetting about his hidden excitement for this chance he had been given. Then with a hasty nod and turn of his heel, he was already halfway down the hall, making a list of preparations in his head. Along the way, he turned back one last time, making eye contact with his long time friend and former historical enemy. A tacit exchange between seemingly empty white to the wholesome, flowing purple. He smiled, a minute, upward twitch of the corner of his mouth.

Thank you.

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