Schneeple x Tiny!Reader

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You were wandering around the home of the SepticEgos, humming quietly to yourself as you surveyed the scene.

Anti was scaring Chase, all while getting scolded from Marvin. Robbie was sitting there, watching Jackieboy-Man, occasionally talking to him and having a very confused look on his face.

Angus and Shawn appeared to be arguing over god knows what, its best to stay out of they're way when they are arguing.

Bing (no, not Bingiplier sillies, Bingsepticeye– cause the boy needs more attention tbh) was standing there, his arms folded behind his back as he watched over the others, he saw you and gave you a small wave.

You smiled, waving back to Bing, he was the main protector of the group, sure him and Anti haven't seen eye-to-eye but, nonetheless, Bing is the one who stops fights when they happen.

Just like now... Shawn threw a punch at Angus... Bing immediately rushed over and grabbed them both by the wrist [ Dear Users, it is not wise to engage in combat, acts of violence such as this is an extreme danger to your health. Cease this useless aggressive behavior and apologize to each other for whatever caused this. ]

Shawn and Angus sighed and nodded at Bing's words, its not wise to argue with a robot, especially not one like Bing.

You rolled your eyes, Shawn and Angus always had a few arguments here and there, nothing TOO serious, they always settled things in the end.

Finally, Schneeplestein... He was actually walking over towards you, you looked at him curiously, wondering what he wanted, he usually never came out of the lab, well besides for food and such. "(Y/N), I need your assistance, come vwith me."

You nodded at his words "Okay then." It beats being up there with all the noise, the lab was very quiet and peaceful, you followed him, sighing in relief when you got into the lab, finally some peace and quiet.

You looked to Schneeple and tilted your head "So, what did you need exactly doc?" You watched him walk over and grab a vile of some sort.

"I vwas vwondering if you vwould... erm, try zhis little... serum out. It's supposed to enhance ze body's immune system."

((Shhhh–yes, boost the body's immune system, best excuse– no one would fall for that, he could literally just say 'hey, drink this' and it'd probably work better haha– I didnt have anything else so improvising lol))

You blinked, looking a little concerned by this "Are there any bad side effects? Or anything harmful?" You had a skeptical look on your face now. "I dunno Schneeps... Couldn't you get Chase to do it?"

Schneeplestein sighed "Chase... izn't here at ze moment, I believe he vwent back to see his kids for awhile und ze last time I tried to azk za ozers fo' help ....Anti didn't vwant to. Marvin vwanted to enhance zis serum even more with hiz ''magic"... Jackie vwas scared, Robbie ...not much can be done zhere... Angus und Shawn? ....They'll probably try to punch me und Bing is technically a robot."

He did have a point... ...Well shit... You sighed "Fine... It... doesn't have to be in needle-form does it?" Schneeple shook his head, much to your relief "Vwell it can be done eizher vway, drinking it or needle."

"DRINK DRINK DRINK!" You quickly spoke, not wanting ANY part of the needle, at this, Schneeple nodded and gave you the vile. "Only drink half fo' now. Just to be on ze safe side of zings."

You nodded and looked at the serum, sighing, you braced for the taste of bitter and sour, quickly gulping down half of it, it actually tasted sweet in a way... Strange, afterwards, you gave him the vile back and looked over at him.

Schneeplestein x Tiny!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now