Imagine Kai

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Kai can't kill you.

You are having a magic fight with him. You use your powers for the whole fight.

You throw a glass of whisky at Kai, with your magic but he dodges it. He flings you across the room. You hit the wall.

"You know I never wanted to hurt you (Y,N)"

"Arh why do I find that hard to believe "

"Why did you side with them?"

"They are my friends"

"YEAH WELL I WAS YOUR FRIEND TO. Now I have to kill you"

You lift your hands up to flings Kai across the room but he uses one of his hands to keep both your hands down.

"You are a younger witch. You really think you can beat me?"

"Worth a try"

"Damnit (Y/N)"

Kai lights a candle while gasoline starts heading toward you. The gasoline was in a line from you to what Kai would drop the candle.

Kai lit the candle and stared at you. But for some reason he couldn't bring himself to drop the candle. He couldn't kill you.

He started hitting the side of his head

"Kill her. Why can't I kill you?"

He started hitting his head reapting those same seven words. When he put the candle down it didn't land on the gasoline. It landed no where near the gas. You looked at the candle and realized he put it out.

'Why would he do that?'

You couldn't move. You couldn't fight back. If he is going to kill you. This is the chance. Right now he could kill you.

But he didn't. Instead he went by your side picking you up. You couldn't move still in pain from the fight,paralyzed with fear that he might kill you.

He didn't do either of those things.

"I am sorry (Y/N)"

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