John is Diapered and babied at 35 years old

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Sarah is a lonely 55 year old women and really wants someone to take care. Sarah was an attractive woman in here fifties and she liked being in control she wanted to see if she could take care of a person and treat them like a baby full time. She would get enjoyment out of this to because Sarah cannot have kids of her own. Sarah takes a walk to the park where she sees John trying to hit on girls. Sarah walks over to John who is 5foot5 Hazel eyes and Black hair and say do you really want these young girls when you can have me who has experience that can teach you things. John was kinda of blown away from this comment, John was attracted to Sarah and wanted to be with her John was kinda of desperate for any female attention at this point so John went with Sarah.

Sarah asked John, so John whats your story. John said well to be honest I m 35 years old and I just got let go from my job my Company got bought out from another and I was one of the first to get let go. I'm just having fun until I get my next job.  Sarah said really John you know I have a job opptunity for you if your willing to listen to me. Really John said what would I have to do. Well Sarah said I don't have any kids of my own to take care off and I think your really cute tbh. I would love to take care of you and baby you like a little toddler/baby. Your really short and I think you would look cute in a diaper.  Before say anything I will pay you 22 dollars an hour to be my baby. I'm a wealthy woman and money doesn't really matter to me I want someone to take care of and I think you would be perfect to do it.

John said 22 dollars an hour to be a baby I cant say no to that. Sarah said excellent I want you to go home tonight while I prepare for your visit to my house you wont be needing to stay in your place anymore you can stay with me rent free. John said really that's really nice of you lady. I'm nice that's just how I am said Sarah. John went home and went to bed. The next morning John went to Sarah's house it was more like a really Big Mansion and John thought to himself wow this is a really nice place. Sarah opens her door and says John John I'm glad you can make it you look really cute today I knew you were the right person for the job.

John blushed and said thank you. Come with me Sarah said. John followed Sarah to see a bunch of diapers baby bottles baby food big cribs and a playpin and all the toys and diapers said John it.  Sarah john I want you to get ready lets take of your clothes. John was so small that he was able to fit into baby diapers.  Sarah being a big Woman 6foot1 was able to pick John up put John on an Adult changing table and powdered and put John in a baby diaper. You look so cute John your my new baby.  Are you Hungry Sarah asked John sure john said whats there to eat. Sarah responded milk I want you to come sit on my lap and suck on my breast. John said ok and he proceeded to suck the breastmilk from both of Sarah's boobs.  How does my baby feel now Sarah said. Good John replied. Now lets get you something to eat. Sarah picked John up and put him in this huge adult baby chair. Sarah feed John baby mush and said noises like here comes the airplane. John began to like being treated like a baby. Sarah said to John that he can watch cartoons in the playpin. The playpin was huge John though to big for John to climb in himself Sarah had to pick John up and put him in there. Sarah left john a big bottle for him to suck on that had milk inside of it . 

Hours went by and John really had to pee John wet his diaper really really bad. John wet his diaper so bad that he had to cry really bad sobbing just like a baby. Sarah came rushing in and said whats wrong little one. I wet my diape John said. Aww its ok John babies wet there diapers. This calmed John down.  Sarah to John back to the changing table and put John on it. Sarah changed John and put him into a fresh baby diaper. Aww your so cute John. John Blushed. Sarah said now its time to get some rest baby. I want to put you in your onesies and get you ready for bed. Sarah did just that John was put in an onesies and drifted off to sleep. 

John woke up the next morning in his huge crib to find out that he really messed his diaper he pooped his diaper all over the place.  John thought to himself wetting himself was one thing that was almost expecting with all the milk that Sarah has been giving up but pooping himself. John at 35 years old was almost in shock but he thought to himself hey I'm a baby baby are suppose to poop in there diapers. Sarah came running in and said good morning baby how is my baby this morning. John replied with a Go Go Ga Gah in a happy smile. John thought weird I wondered why I said that but I'm enjoying every minute of this so its ok.  Whew Sarah said someone made an oppsie poopsie in his diapee. John laughed and Sarah picked him up put him on the changing table and put john in another baby diaper.

We have a big day today John I'm taking you to preschool. Preschool John said yes Preschool I need my baby to learn and be smart. Sarah dressed John up really cute in a cute onesies and proceeded to put John in the Car seat. She drove of and dropped John of at the preschool. John honestly past for a 5 year old. All that milk that John was drinking was making him look younger. This must be John Hi John said the Caregiver. The Caregivers name was Emily standing tall at 5foot11.  At you dropping this little one off today Sarah said yes I am please take good care of him. 

John explored the area waddling around in his crinkley diaper.  Explored to see that they were other people that looked his age to  but didn't think anything of it.  Emily had John watch cartoons and feed him a huge baby bottle of milk.  John then proceed to flood his diaper since Emily had other babies to take care of so John had to stay in his wet diaper.  John continued to watch cartoons and felt the need to poop. John pooped his diaper that already had pee in it and then created a big mess. This made John begin to cry which got Emilie's attention.  Aww whats wrong baby Emily. Aww your messy and wet let me change your diaper. We only have Pink diapers and a girl dress right now to put you in but this works cuz only the girl dorms are available. Emily took John dressed like a girl in the girls dorm and went to sleep. 

John woke up the next day to realize that his penis was no longer there he had a vagina long hair and boobs. He was thinking to himself what happened to me.  John pooped his diaper as a girl and then proceeded to cry. Sarah came rushing to John to get him changed. Emily you did a great job said Sarah. No problem said Emily. John we turned you into a girl because I really wanted a daughter. You are a very attractive woman now and I still want to take care of you and be my baby. John said so I'm a girl now. Yes you are sweetheart you will be momies baby girl. 

John ended up being fine with the transition he actually liked having boobs and liked not having a penis between his legs he always thought it was annoying anyways. It actually felt kind of good to have nothing in between his legs or her legs now.  Your sooooo cute Sarah said I think you need a new name. I know lets call you Joanna.  Joanna liked the name so much that she pooped her baby diaper. The poop went all over her vagina and butt.  Sarah cleaned Joanna and powdered and put a baby diaper on her again. This time Sarah put Joanna in this purple frilly dress with a pink diaper. 

Joanna still had the same routine sucking on Sarahs breast to get breastmilk. Watching cartoons.  Flooding her diaper in the playin while watching cartoons and then messing her diaper really bad in her crib.  Sarah picked Joanna up from her crib and said Wow Girl you really did a good job in messing your diappee today. Joanna blushed. Your honestly perfect Sarah said I'm so glad I came across you.  Joanna blushed and Sarah took care of Joanna forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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Grown but Short Cute Enough to be babiedWhere stories live. Discover now