As the earth heats & ice melts, I am saturated.
Flooded with questions,
My sanity evaporates & my thoughts condense on the inside of my brain
Hear the sound of drums as glacier ice crashes into the ocean.
It echoes in my ears & amplifies my thoughts.
My mind floats away being carried by the ice cool current.
I trek to the stars in the sky within my mind,
hopping moons & planets, surfing galaxies.
I perch myself upon a ring of Saturn,
How the fuck did I get here?
I cannot breathe, I cannot see,
I never could feel anyway.
I'm enshrouded by poisonous gasses,
I do not splutter, I do not choke.
Instead, I inhale the warm fumes around me.
I can feel the heat from the sun on my skin & the hair on my arms swaying gently.
I am still, calm.
Suddenly, I am awoken by that ever so familliar sound of drums,
They're getting closer...
The door opens; "shit!"
What the fuck was I smoking?