Chapter Two: Misanthropic Fighter Boy

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Chapter Two: Misanthropic Fighter Boy

"Absolutely not."

"Cassidy!" Ms. Johnson pleaded, dragging the vowels in my name for way longer than necessary. "Think about it!"

"Do you know how... how misanthropic he is?" I demanded of Ms. Johnson, my assigned counselor.

Normally, I was very fond of Ms. Johnson. Today; however, after hearing what I just heard, was definitely not normally. Ms. Johnson was a tiny woman with jet black hair and blue eyes that sometimes reminded me of a child at play. She had to be very young, like early twenties. She bounced up in her seat, amused at my response.

"Yes, yes. I know." She said with a wave of her hand. "But trust me; this will be great for both of you. He might open up a little and become, you know, less misanthropic, and I know you want that extra credit."

I bit my lip, considering my options. She did have a point. I could say yes, tutor Tyler, a hot but unpleasant and dangerous boy. Consequences of that? Potentially my life could be in danger, I would receive never ending taunts and "Omg"'s from Rylee, I could die of frustration (can be listed under the first consequence). I could say no. Not get the extra credit, Rylee would most likely kill me in the most gruesome way possible, and I also would be turning down a chance of hot boy time, no matter how scary he was.

I looked up at Ms. Johnson.

She seemed very excited about this... I smell a scheme.

She stared back at me with those impatient, devilish eyes.

I grumbled inwardly, knowing what I was going to say.

"Fine." I muttered.

Fine, I would tutor Tyler Wells.


I walked out of the councilor's office and down the unusually empty hall. When I turned down the next hallway, I realized why. Excited students were surrounding a loud commotion. Realizing it was probably a typical fight involving guys with overly large egos, I rolled my eyes and hurried to the fight scene to see who was trying to "win the girl".

I spotted my older brother, Gavin, near the front of the crowd and pushed my way past a few students, earning me a few mean looks and a very painful elbow to the side. I grabbed Gavin's shoulder and pulled myself forward for a better view.

"Hey Cass." My brother greeted me, his hazel eyes lit with excitement at the ongoing fight. I glanced at the two people who were throwing punches. Surprise, surprise! It was Tyler and the basketball team captain, Chris DeLeon. Why were those two always at each other?

At first, it appeared that Chris was winning, as he socked Tyler in the jaw and kicked him in the stomach. Tyler stumbled back clutching his stomach and Chris came charging at him with another punch. Tyler sidestepped him, and sent a crack in the ribs that made me wince.

"Do something Gavin!" I whispered to my brother. He shrugged and ran a hand through his wavy brown hair, refocusing his attention to the fight.

Right when I was about to step in, or so I say I was (meaning I definitely wasn't going to), Ms. Johnson stepped into the circle, cleared her throat, and shot anyone who dared meet eye contact with her a threatening teacher glare. Tyler stopped fighting but I caught the flare of rage in his eyes when he stepped away from Chris, who was picking himself of the ground and wiping blood from his lip. Ms. Johnson waited for Chris to stand while Tyler searched the crowd, his electric blue eyes landing on me. I felt my face flush. I quickly looked down, not wanting to be frozen by his ice cold eyes.

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