He always bugs me.And he thinks that I'm that stupid to fall in love with him? You wish.The school calls him "The Playboy". Probably because He had a relationship with all the girls in the school,except us...."The Nerds". Your name is Park Y/N. Your...
(A/N: The story will sometimes be changed into "I" or "You". Sorry for that if you're confused! P.S My English isn't that great so please inform me for errors) The Story Begins, Btw You just started your last year of college: Your alarm woke you up.You slammed it and it fell into the ground.You got up and stretched to go do your usual morning routine. Mom: Good Morning Y/N. How was your sleep? Y/N: It was fine mom.I mostly stayed up reading but I'm fine. -You tied your hair in a messy bun- Mom put your breakfast on the table.It was just pancakes with some syrup on it.No big deal. You hear a yawn coming down the stairs. ???: *Yawns* Morning mom. You looked at him.It was your brother "Park Jimin". You began eating your breakfast while your brother changed upstairs. Mom: How was it? Y/N: The usual.Im going to go and pack up my luggage. -You head upstairs when suddenly your mom hugged you- Mom: My 2 babies are growing up now. -A tear fell off her cheek,You turned to her and held her face on your hand and wiped it away- Y/N: Mom,I'll always remember you.Its not like we're going away forever. You smiled at her and hugged back.After,You went upstairs and packed your luggage. ???: Are you done yet Y/N?? I looked at him and frowned. Y/N: Yeah.Now I am. -You picked up your luggage but Jimin picked it up for you and headed to the car.- Y/N: Uh.....Thanks? Jimin: You owe me one -He winked at you- When he left,You picked up the book you didn't finish last night and read until you were in the car. Jimin: You ready now sis? Y/N: Ah wait Jimin oppa! -You put down your book and quickly got out of the car to get your phone on the kitchen table- 5 mins later: You head to the car with your phone held tight in your hand and kept reading your book again. Jimin: You're such a book worm. -He laughs and starts driving to the college- (A/N: The college is in Seoul,Korea lol.So it will take them 5 hours to get there.Sorry for the interruption!) 5 and a half hours later since you guys also got into traffic on the way: You kept snoring and snoring until...... Jimin: Y/N! WE'RE HERE! -He shouted- You woke up and rubbed your eyes.You looked outside the window. Wow! It's huge! You held your book on your right hand while your phone in your other.You got out of the car and Jimin handed you your luggage.You put your phone in your pocket.He put on his backpack and both of you went inside the college.
You are now inside the College: Jimin: Wah! It's so big isn't it Y/N? Y/N: Yeah,It is.Jimin oppa,Isn't that Jungkook? You pointed at a guy that was practically waving at both of you.Jimin went to him and gave him a hug.I went to them too. Jimin: I can't believe you attend here too! -Jimin hugged Jungkook very tightly- Jungkook: Okay enough hyung. -He pushed Jimin away and Jimin frowned- I swear I just heard Jimin mutter something but I didn't mind anyways. Jungkook: Hi noona! -He smiled at me- You just waved and Jimin hugged Jungkook again. Jimin: What's your schedule? Who is your roommate? Want to exchange roommates? Jimin kept continuing asking questions to Jungkook which was just staring at him and mouthed the words "Help me" Y/N: I'll see you guys soon. -I laughed and mouthed "Nope" and Went to find my room. It took me a few minutes to find it.Im pretty sure the dorm numbers were 1453.You checked on your phone and it was exactly right. Ah I'm so smart. You smiled a bit.You went continued and for a few minutes again You found 1450. Y/N: 1450,1451,1452,1453.Ah finally. -You muttered to yourself- You opened the door and saw a guy with a stuff toy in both of his hands.He looked at you and smiled that you were about to blush.
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???: Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is Kim Taehyung.How about you? I placed my luggage on the floor and unpacked it.You looked at him and he smiled. Taehyung: Well,Are you going to tell me your name? You are my roommate. Y/N: My name is Park Y/N. Nice to meet you too -You smiled at little and went back to unpacking your luggage- Taehyung: Want help? I can help you. Y/N: No thanks.I can take care of it anyways. He frowned and laid down his bed and played with his stuff toy. You finished unpacking and got your phone out to look at your schedule today. Taehyung: We have no classes today if your wondering....... -He continued playing with his stuff toy- You placed down your book on your bed and went outside your dorm.Until..... He grabbed my wrist. Taehyung: Leaving so soon? We haven't even played -He laughed and waited for a reply- Y/N: Well,Can I go? I just want to take a look around the campus.No big deal...... -You looked at your wrist he was holding and you turned away and blushed a bit. Y/N: Ca-Can I go now? -You looked at him again and He let go of your wrist and you went outside to take a look around the campus- Y/N: Aish! Was I actually blushing?! -You kept walking and muttering to yourself- I walked until you were at I guess....The library? Wow! It's so fascinating an- and big too! I kept walking around the library. You bumped into some guy....... ???: Step out of the way! -He pushed you aside and you glared at him.- Y/N: What the heck! Freaking jerk....How dare he push me around like that?! -You whispered to yourself- A girl came your way. The girl: Omg! Are you okay?! -She held your shoulders and you directly looked at her.- Y/N: I'm fine.Whats your name? The girl: My name is Jenny.How bout' you? (A/N: This is Jenny from BLACKPINK.Continue with the story) Y/N: Park Y/N.Do you know who that guys name is anyway? Jenny: Yeah.His the most baddest boy in school.I don't know his name but the school calls him "The Playboy". -She removed her hands on your shoulders.- Y/N: Playboy huh? -I whispered to myself- Jenny: Lets go outside the library.We could get in trouble here. -She went outside the library near the lockers.I followed her.- Jenny: You know I just saw him break up with another girl.I think her name is Lisa or something. Y/N: Isn't he already used to that? His a playboy right? Jenny: Yeah.I saw what happened.This guy punched him right in the face! The face! -She pointed at her cheek- Y/N: Okay! Okay calm down! Well thanks for the information. Jenny: No problem.Stay away from him.You don't wanna be one of his victims. -She shrugged and went away.- I headed to my dorm and saw Taehyung wrestling with his stuff toy.I stared at him in awe. WHO WRESTLES WITH THEIR STUFF TOY (A/N: I do 😏) Taehyung: You're back! Yay! -He placed his stuff toy on his bed and hugged me- Y/N: I just met you and you're acting like we're friends. -I glared at him and broke the hug.I closed the door- Taehyung: Everyone is my friend! Right V?! (A/N: I couldn't think of anymore names XD) He looked at his stuff toy and mimicked a cute voice Taehyung: (Being V,the stuff toy) Yeah! We are best friends! -He laughed and stopped mimicking- Y/N: Uhhhhh.....I should go to bed now.Night' Taehyung: Good Night Y/N! -He turned off the light- 5 mins later: Taehyung was already snoring.I couldn't sleep.I kept thinking about him...."The Playboy". Stop It Y/N! Stop thinking about him!!! (Image in your mind lol)
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30 mins later you finally slept. There was a lot of interesting people you met today. You will be introduced to some more in the next 3 chapters. And be careful.You might be his next victim 😏