Missing her

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Celeste p.o.v

Just fucking great!I get attacked, then pass out and ,last but not least,my mate finds me.Karma, you're a bitch sometimes.

And don't get me started about this freaking hospital! IT HAS NO FUCKING GOOD FOOD. And Neoma don't start,we both know that this shit is literally crap.

'I was going to say ,bitch.That aren't you happy to finally find our mate!!


'Celeste, stop worrying. He won't hurt us like the others, I know he won't. He is the person made for us,please give him a shot.

'I don't know, Neo.'

'Celeste,remember that we already had a mate before Mom even knew.Thats a sign,that are even more ment for each other.'She kept pleading and begging until I would finally say yes.And soon after, because I couldn't escape her, I agreed.

I'm so going to regret this.

Nancy p.o.v.


What if something has happened to her?
Should I go back?

'You're being over dramatic. Calm down.She's taking her time, she has a rough life.I mean she's the daughter of our queen, she gets treated like shit,and seeing you in the hospital ,it broke her.'

'One of them was caused by you,Christi. '

'Sure,it was.But for now let's not focus on me, let's go back to the pack and tell mom the news'

Le time skip

"Mom?Are you here?"I tried my hardest to keep my voice from shaking and somehow succeeded.

"SWEETIE!!! Is that really you!"She said this while running toward me with eyes filled with tears.I made her worry about me.I'm such a horrible child.

"Yes m-mom,it's me. "I burst into tears and hug my mom ,the only person who ever cared for me. Even if she lied to me, I knew that she was trying to protect me.

Looking directly in my eyes she says,"Sweet heart, what's wrong?"

"M-Mom!!It's Celeste, she's all alone.She doesn't want me near her!!!"I cried out in pain.I know it has only been a day and a couple of hours,but it hurts.We've never been separated.We were always together, supporting on another even if the whole world was against us.

"Oh,sweetie.Tell me what happened from the very beginning if you want me to understand. Though ,only ifyou're okay with it."

I nodded my head and said,"I need more time,but I need you here with me for a while.Please."

"Of course,then what kind of Mom would I be."With that, I cried more.It made me think of Celeste. How her parents gave her up,rejected her, and hated her.She doesn't deserve that.She's the sweetest person, when you get to know her.She loves nature,animals and tries to help those who need it.

"Its okay, cry it all out.I'm not going anywhere and if you need me I'll be right here."

"T-Thank you-u Mom,i love you."

"Love you,too.Want something to eat?"

"Can you make your famous pb& j sandwich?"

"Of course ,we whatever you need"she smiled happily and went to make the sandwiches. It was the only thing she could make, without burning the house down. And don't get me started on cereal. I don't know how, but she somehow lit the milk on fire.That memory make me want to laugh but I can't.All I can feel is guilt and sadness, for my best friend.

"Mom,I'm going to shower.I'll be back in a couple of minutes. "

"Okay,be careful and tell me if you need anything else.You could talk to me whenever, I'll always be here for you."

Saying, "Thank you, mom."I started crying again.I was really lucky to have Mom.If only I could, tell her what's going on.


Chu!Look I posted!!!!!!Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!Thanks so much for 2k!thanks even more insane!!!!!!I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember NOT EDITED.Comment if you have questions or anything you want to ask!

Plus!Let's not forget that my friend made this little book with a picture of Celeste(picture at the top)!!!!SHE loves to draw and will happily take requests to draw for everyone!She is the one and only ...bloodmist49!

Hope you'll have a great day or night.
That one shitty, overjoyed author ,
Animecrazed21 。^‿^

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