➳ two. 

150 13 24


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p r e f i x e s
favourite bird

blue jay ➳ robin

robin ➳ falcon

owl ➳ jay

falcon ➳ thrush

thrush ➳ kestrel

kestrel ➳ thrush

other ➳ bear

none ➳ viper

all ➳ reed 


s u f f i x e s
favourite cake

chocolate ➳ heart

ice-cream ➳ talon

cheese ➳ claw

lava ➳ pelt

funnel ➳ mask

other ➳ gaze

none ➳ feather

all ➳ wing 


w h a t d i d y o u g e t ?
i got reedclaw / bearmask / reedmask / bearclaw!

  comment what you got! i'd love to see your results.  

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