something personal...

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Cousin238 asks: why is Vin Vin purple also why does he have no pupils


Vincent: I'm not going to cry... It's just a touchy subject and not many people know about it... Except my dad's Co. scientists....

Scott: well now we will all know

Vincent: ...i used to love sneaking into the lab to see everything my dad and his friends were working on... Until one day my uncle who also worked with my dad,  caught me and then took my into a room...


Vincent: my uncle forced me to eat glass ans when I refused he shoved it down my throat. I stopped breathing... My eyes turned white and I died....

Scott: so you mean to tell me I'm dating a ghost??

Vincent: no, but I heard that my dad found out about the incident and used adrenaline to bring me back to life

Scott: that's sad...

Vincent: yeah but not as sad as what I'll do in the next chapter

Bai Guyzzz

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