The Substitute Teacher I Like to Call Miss Hitler

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Dear Crush,

We had a substitute teacher for history today which means the entire class was loud and half of them refused to do work. We've had this teacher, who I like to call Miss Hitler, for the past week so this lesson I hatched up a plan.

Much like you, I was getting sick of sitting in that class.

"Oi, I have a plan to get us out. You wanna hear?" I whispered to you.

You nodded with a smile.

"Ok, so we move over to the right side of the classroom to that empty table closest to the door. Sit there for a few minutes and wait for Miss Hitler to get distracted yelling at the people in this left corner again. Then, we make a run for it." I explained.

You seemed slightly surprised that I of all people had come up with a plan to ditch the rest of the lesson; however, none the less, you liked the idea.

We picked up our stuff and casually moved tables. It was then that I decided to take some of our things to our bags outside. This meant that we'd have less to carry when we made the run for it but also had the minimum requirement so that we didn't get into trouble with Miss Hitler.

I came back inside and you told me Miss Hitler had been suspiciously watching me whilst she was talking to some students. I didn't worry about it.

It was then that Miss Hitler had started sending students outside to talk to them. This happened about 3 times before I realised we needed a new plan.

When we had moved tables, we had began sitting in front of the teacher's least favourite troublemaker. His name is Dylan and he was about to be our most favourite ally.

"Don't worry I got another plan," I whispered to you before we both leaned back to talk to Dylan.

"Hey, Dylan. Do you reckon you could do us a massive favor?" I asked Dylan.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" Dylan happily agreed.

"Do you reckon you could move to the left side of the classroom and distract Miss Hitler while we make a run for the door?" I asked.

I had always considered Dylan to be more like an idiot in tinfoil than a knight in shining armor but not today. We watched as Dylan moved desks. He had only been sitting for a minute when Miss Hitler got up him for moving. At that point Miss Hitler was so annoyed with Dylan she began writing up a form to send him out of the class.

Whilst Dylan back chatted and Miss Hitler yelled some more, we picked up our books, ran out the door and quickly picked up our bags as we continued running. You almost dropped everything when you went to pick up your bag.

We went to the library to study after that. You could hear Miss Hitler yelling from the library. What an entertaining lesson.

Sincerely, me

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