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the period between childhood and adult age.
"he had been a keen sportsman in his youth"

They both sat there in silence. They didn't know what to say. Didn't know what they wanted to do.

"Can we?" Jae said in a soft voice.
Before Wyatt could answer someone interrupted the moment.

"WYATT WHAT HAPPENED LOAST NIGHT YOU GOT TO TELL ME" Sophia stopped noticing Jae was right next to Wyatt.
"I mean umm hi"Sophia said embarrassed.
"Hi to you too Soph" Wyatt said well giving her that look.
"Why you giving me that look? Did I interrupt something?" Sophia said confused.
"Maybe. Maybe not. We might never now." Jae said happily. Jae gave a huge smile after that.
Wyatt lost his focus well looking at Jae.
"God damn his smile sure is cute." He thought.
"Hello earth to Wyatt." Sophia said trying to get Wyatt back to the real world.
"Oh I'm sorry lost my focus for a moment"
"Ya Me and Jae noticed. Why did you
Lose focus huh Wyatt. Were you thinking about. Wait don't answer that it's probably Jae you're thinking about."She said jokingly.
Wyatt rolled his eyes.
"Well I should start walking Jae to class since the bells about to ring."
   "Ok you two love birds. Text me what       happened last night Wyatt."
"Nothing happened last night Soph but ok."

Well walking to class Wyatt held Jaes hand.
Wyatt stopped right in front of Jaes class room. Jae tried to let go of Wyatt's Hand but he couldn't Wyatt seemed to not wanna let go.
"Come on Wyatt I need to get to class"Jae said im a serious but calming tone.
They just stood there for a few seconds in awkward silence. Jae didn't know what to do but before he could think of anything Wyatt said something.
"Yes we can." Wyatt said then let go of Jaedens hand and walked the direction he needed for his next class.

Jae was in class and he was very confused. He didn't know what Wyatt meant by "Yes we can."
Jae needed to know what I meant or he would be confused all day and that would bother him.

Jae then went through his book bag looking for his phone. He went to his contacts looking for Wyatt's phone number.
"What was his contact name. Come on Jae remember." Jae soon stopped and realized he dosent have Wyatt's phone number.

"Mr.lieberher would you like to join the class." Jae heard a familiar voice and it didn't sound to happy. It was Ms.light.
"Hi Ms.Light"
"Hand over the phone Jaeden"
"But I need it for my mom"
"Give it to me now and you will get it back at the end of class if you resist I will take it to the office and you can go there and get it."
Jae handed her the phone and went back to looking at the board. It wasn't long until he lost his focus again and zoned off.

The bell rang and Jae tried to get out of class as fast as he can. He tried to find Wyatt but he didn't see him. Jae started to walk to his next class when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Wyatt before Wyatt can even say hi he asked Wyatt what he meant by "Yes we can"
" Calm down there Jae and before Soph came and talked with us you asked "Can we?" So I answered "Yes we can"
Jae felt dumb. He totally forgot that he said that to Wyatt.
"So were dating now?" Jae said confused.
"I mean yes if that's ok with you."
"Yes I'm ok with it."
The bell then rang.
"Well I have to go see you In 5/6th Babe" Wyatt said with a smirk.

Jae just stood there watching Wyatt walk Garth away but he couldn't move. He was to happy and he felt weird inside,but a good weird.

Jae got to his next class and again lost focus. He was to happy to pay attention to what he was learning. Jae couldn't stop thinking about Wyatt that's why he couldn't pay attention.

The bell soon rang again and Wyatt tried to rush to his next class as fast as he can just to see Jae.

Jae saw Wyatt speed walking to there next class. Jae tried to walk as fast as he can to catch up to him. He finally got close enough to reach his hand out and touch Wyatt's shoulder.

Wyatt stopped and turned around to see Jae. The smile Wyatt had on his face when thinking about Jae was huge but as soon as he saw him it grew huger.
His dick did the same
(A/n I'm sorry had to do it)
Jae grabbed Wyatt's hand and started to drag Wyatt to there next class.

They they got there they realized that the teacher changed there sets. Jae sat in in the second row near the front and Wyatt sat all the way in the back.
Both of there smiles soon started to fade away.
The school day ended and Jae started to walk home. Before he left he got his phone back from Ms.light. 

He was about to walk on his drive way when he saw two vehicles on there. He has never seen these cars before. One looked like a huge moving truck the other was a small black car.

He looked through his book bag for his keys. He found his keys and took them out but when he took them out a note came with them. The small note fell on the concrete drive way. Jae when to go pick it up and when he did he saw Writing one it.

Call me-Wyatt
It also had a number to call.

He put the note in his pocket and walked to his door. Before he put the key I'm he noticed it was opened. He pushed the door all the way open and then shut it. He went to his room. He opened his door and saw that a strange man was on his bed. He looked around and saw that his posters were taken down,his desk was gone,His closet was filled with clothes that weren't his,and there was a huge dresser that wasn't there before.

Jae walked around the house and saw that everything looked the same. His roommates were still there since he saw them sleeping on there bed. He turned around about to walk to his moms room when he saw her behind him.
"You're room is in the garage. Sorry but had to have my boyfri— I mean friend move in. They needed a place to stay." His mom said in a raspy voice.
"1.Im not gonna go and sleep in the garage. There ants,spiders, and other things that are in there. 2. Why couldn't your "friend"sleep with you. He could of went in the garage." Jaeden said furiously.
"Don't ague with me your rooms in the garage and deal with it." His mom said well getting more annoyed by the second.
"DoNt aGuE wIth mE yOuR rOomS iN tHe gAraGe aNd dEaL wItH It. That's straight up bullshit. I'm your son and your gonna tell your boyfriend over there that he can go and sleep in the garage,because I'm gonna have my room. If you don't tell him I will."
"Jaeden stop giving me damn attitude. I'm not gonna tell him to go to the garage cause your sleeping there."
"Bullshit straight up bullshit. You're not even home most of the time so why Can I just take your room"
"Huh it's your lucky day isn't it cause guess what. I'm gonna be home more often now since I don't have anywhere else to go. Now go to your room Jaeden I'm done with your bull."
Jaeden started heading to his used to be room. He when I'm there and started grabbing anything he could and throw it in the garage. He then grabbed his stuff and put it back we're it was.

When Jae was done he woke up the strange man.
"You're room is in the garage." Jae said annoyed.
"What do you mean my rooms im here." The man said in a deep and scary voice.
"Nope in the garage sorry bud."
The man looked around noticing everything he put in there was gone.
"Fine kid take your room back." The man said well getting up and heading to the garage.

Jae throw hisself  on the bed and layed there for s few minutes. He remembered that Wyatt gave him his number. Jae got out his phone and that note. He dialed the number then he put the contact name as noodle.

     Hey Wyatt it's Jae.
He sent the message out his phone down and feel asleep.
A/n oh dang this was long. But interesting I think. Oh well

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