Chapter 34

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The gravestone fit. Tommy stood to the front of the small crowd that had gathered around. Liam among them. It had been a nasty sight. Reaves, Maddox, and Hall in the elevator. No one expected it to turn out like this. If they had only known it was Hall the whole time. Maybe things would've been different. Maybe they wouldn't be looking at this gravestone, attending this funeral.

Reaves held Megan close and he stared. How close had it been to him being the one in the grave? The whole precinct had been put on alert when the gunshot went off. Nate hadn't been that scared since the train. And even then he wasn't as scare as he was in the elevator. He could still hear the ding as the doors opened. Then the gunshot that made him scream. It was a very unmanly scream and he hoped no one had heard it.

Captain Doyle stood, stone faced, and quiet. Several officers were there, some of them were sniffly. This was not how things should've turned out. Reaves couldn't even believe it when it happened. Hall had been just so determined to kill her. They thought they could get out unscathed, and man were they wrong.

Someone's hand rested onto his shoulder and he turned to see Maddox. (What did you think she was the one who died?) Reaves stepped forward and read the gravestone out loud.

"Detective Casey Allen, loving husband, friend, and the best partner anyone could ask for. And a true Hero."

When Allen saw them in the elevator, he had gotten suspicious and ran down to the lobby. The second the doors opened, Reaves shoved his head into Hall's nose and then dove into the floor. Allen shot Hall and then Hall shot Allen. Maddox then shot Hall again and Hall was down for the count. Allen was too, though.

It wasn't all in vain though. After what Hall said, they realized there was really on,y one person who'd want Maddox dead. Walter Park. The billionaire father who'd killed his son. Looking into it, they then found an actual paper trail that lead straight to Walter. He was arrested for murder and was thrown in jail for attempted murder of a police officer. He was not getting out.

As it turned out, Agent Hall had been a hitman for seven years from what they could tell. He'd been the one who killed Reed, not Charter. Mathew had been framed. In fact, the poor guy found in Leroy Vance's bathtub, was Mathew Charter. He'd been killed first, before the other three, and then stuffed inside. JP Hall wasn't even the man's real name. He had taken a three year old's social security number who died in a car accident and created JP hall. His identity was completely fool proof. Unless, you knew what you were looking for.

Reaves, of course, had gotten to write the story of a lifetime and publish the whole thing. About how heroic Detective Maddox rescued him from the train tracks. And the showdown in his apartment building. His name and been plastered on every billboard in the city. And every news station was showing his picture and quoting his story. People were begging for interviews left and right. Needless to say, his editor was rather happy with him. But it didn't take away the loss of Allen.

He died saving them. He died being a hero.

Captain Doyle walked over and took them both aside.

"Allen was a good cop. And he was more than proud to work with both of you. I know you blame yourselves. Casey wouldn't want that. Don't beat yourselves up. And Reaves, your always welcome in my precinct." He said before holding out his hand.

Reaves shook it and smiled. Doyle left them standing alone as Megan was talking with Liam.

"He does know she's a high schooler right?" Reaves said, turning into a protective father.

"I'm pretty sure he does." Maddox replied.

Reaves reluctantly nodded and then looked back at her.

"What a ride." He said.

"Yeah. I can't believe Hall was the killer the whole time. If I could've just-"

"I know how you feel."

Maddox nodded and Reaves looked at the grave stone.

"I can't help but think if that was mine, what would it read." He said.

"Nathan Reaves, self centered-"

"Please don't finish that sentence." Reaves interrupted.

Maddox chuckled and Reave forced himself to as well. Maybe it was for the best. Trying to lighten the mood.

"Reaves, i've enjoyed having you around the last few days." Maddox admitted.

"Really? You like me?" He asked, trying to sound surprised.

"I'm serious. You proved to be a great help and saved my life."

"Well, anything to prove to you not every Man is a Nick or a Jim Maddox."

Maddox smiled and then he watched the smile slowly fade away. She turned and looked at him in anger?

"How did you know his name? I never told you his name." Maddox said.

Reaves realized he'd made a mistake. He gulped and then tried to defend himself.

"Uh, um, you mentioned it-" Reaves began.

"No I didn't. I never mentioned it."

I've done it this time.

"It was before-"

"Before what, before you cared? It was none of your business to look into my background. What'd you do google my name? No, I bet you had Will look me up." Maddox accused.

He could see the pain in her face. He'd done the same thing Nick and her father had done to her.


"No, we're done. You crossed a line and lied about it. And to think I actually thought you were different. That you weren't like him." She said before walking away.

Reaves felt his heart sink as he realized he was never going to see her again. He'd screwed it up this time. And she'd never forget what he did. No matter what he did.

"Hey dad, Allison's waiting at the house." Megan said.

"I'll be right there." He replied, not looking away from Maddox.

She didn't turn around. Reaves watched until she got into her car and drove away.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

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