Him Agen !!

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"Anna turn the alarm off please" I called out to my sister , usually I share my room with her and she would always turn off the alarm . the alarm qeept on going off and I was getting mad "ANNA TURN THE STUPID ALARM OFF DAMM" I get up from the bed and look around and I noticed that the room was empty and dark I turn off the alarm and check the time and i now remember that I had left the house to find a better job . I get up from the bed and the feeling of the cold floor brought chills down my spine. As I was walking towards the bathroom I found a picture of me and all my family was in that picture even serena and Armando were there I couldn't help but to jusy let out some tiers down. When I was dune admiring the happy people on the pice of paper I put it down next to all of my other pictures I had and continued on to the bathroom I turn up my music and started to sing along to " Bruno mars when I was your man " it got me the goosebumps and then I just hopped into the shower and did what I usually do and it took me like 10-25 minutes to get out. When I get out I dry my self off and walked into the bedroom and look for clothes to wear I found a white tank-top and a pair of blue jeans , I put som black heels and I wore a black cardigan on top of the tank-top. I let my dark black straight hair down and at the bottom they were curled. I put some black mascara and then some eye liner. I take one more look in the mirror and walk over to the small living room it was small but comfterbal I garb my black purse and by now it was 7:50 so I walked down the hall and was about to knock oh Brian's door but he opened the door before I could knock " hello Brian ready to go " I ask him " yes ma'm " ughh I thought I told that man to not call that " Brian I thought I told you to not call me ma'm , call me cat or Katy understood ?? it's a doer" I smile at him and he let's out a small giggles " understood .... Katy " he says smiling exposing his white teeth. After all those joke's we decided to leve. we left the main lobby and out to the door leading us to the limo. He opened the door allowing me to get in , after I got in he closes the door and goes around the limo and gets in the driving seat and starts the car " katy what would you like to listen to ? I guess he like to listen to music while he drives " what do you have " I would love if he had dome one direction music "um I have one direcrion , Justin beiber , demi lovato , selena gomez , wich of those would you like ?" im ganna go with duh one direction " umm lets listin to one direction please " I wonder if he has any kid's that like one direction? all of sudden best song ever started to play "Brian ... may I ask you a question ?" I didnt know if that was wrong but I just wanted to get to know him a little more " what is it ?" here I go " do you have any kid's ...maby one that likes one direction ?" " umm yes I had one , a girl ,, but I don't talk about her " why didint he talk about her isn't she his daughter I dont get it " Brian ... may I ask why sont you like to talk about her " I could see from the mirror that he qas about to cry " Brian ... if its personal then you dont have to say anything about it .... im sorry i didnt mean to " grait now feel like shit dam it Katy why do you always have to mess things up uggh your so stuped I was hitting my forehead with the Palm of my hand regretting everything " Brian I-im sorry I didn't mean to ask ,, I bet now you hate me .... I understand that " I was about to just get out of the car and walk the last block but he spok up his voice was a little shaky " her name is Catherine but we all called her cat ....she was 13 when - when ..." when.. when what I was getting a little inpatient with this conversation but I feelt bad when I looked at his eyes and he was trying soo hard not to loose control of his feelings and bursting out in tears " it's ok brian - you dont have to say anything else ok it was stupid of me to ask you im sorry " I was patting on his back trying to make him feel better " its ok Katy its juat that when cat was 13 she-she was at a party and when she was walking home with som friends ..... she-she was shot right in the hart and the bullet hit her hart and ahe died right away " I feelt like ther was no aire and the space between us was geeting smaller and more smaller I didn't now what to say .. he was now in tears and I just didn't now what to do or say " brian - I-Im sorry I really didnt know it was going to be this " that was all I could say I had no word's " its ok some times you have to share the pain with some one and it really feelt a bit better thanks for asking I had to let it out " all I could do was squeeze his had and telling him that I was there if he EVER needed to talk . When we got to the frunt studio he gets out and opens the door like he is supposed to and help me out . I stand in front of him at pull him into a tight hug , he was still a little bit upset about the conversation we had earlier but he seemed to be better . He walked me down to the front door and up to where we were suppose to meat Ashley like 10minutes ago.

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