#5 His favourite thing about you

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Zayn: your smile. He loves to see you smile, he loves the way your smile can light up a room and most of all he loves that he's the reason you smile so bright.

Niall: how short you are, he loves he fact that you're so much shorter than him, it gives him the sense that he can protect you, no matter what, that you'll always be his princess.

Harry: your small hands, he likes it when he takes your hands in his and he can feel your soft small little hands, he likes that his large fingers over lap your tiny ones, and over all he likes the fact that your fingers fit so perfectly together.

Liam: your hair, he likes your hair because of how perfect it is, he likes how when it's down it frames your face perfectly and when it's up it makes your eyes shine brightly, but most of all he like when he can run his fingers through it and feel your soft hair sift through his fingers and he just can't believe that you're all his to love.

Louis: your eyes, he loves your eyes because they're the same shade of blue as his, and he thinks you look beautiful with them, he loves the twinkle in your eyes when you look at him, that they only shine that bright when you look at him, but more than anything he loves the fact that they're eyes to fit an angel, and that's what he believes you are... His angel.

I enjoy writing, so even if you guys don't want to comment I'd like it if you kept reading 😊,, because I'm trying to get this book to 140 reads!!

~Dru 😘

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