Gay isn't wrong {Part 2}

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Kevin POV

I looked at the handsome, long haired boy and smile
"Hi, I'm Kevin"
"Hey, I'm Joaquin" he says back, even his voice is beautiful

He has a stay tear running down his cheek and I wipe it off with my thumb. He looks into my eyes and i smile a bit more

"Um, Joaquin" I heard Jughead say. We both turned to him and he smiles small, everyone's eyes were glued to us. "Why were you crying out there?"

Joaquin sighs slightly
"Um, I kinda told FP that I'm...that I'm..." I put my arm around his shoulder to comfort him and it seems to work as he rests his head on my shoulder. "I told FP that I'm gay"

I smile towards him.
"Well done, I know how hard that can be" he looks up at me, in slight confusion "I'm gay too"

He smiles at me and puts his head closer to the crook of my neck.
"Yeah, me too" Toni says "I'm Toni by they way" she holds her hand out to Joaquin and he shakes it

"Sorry about my brother" he says and we all look at him in confusion "he did, all that." He pointed at her bruises and cuts

"It's fine, it's now you're fault" she says softly. Everyone then introduces themselves to him and his smile had grown quite big

Everyone else goes into there own little chats and I turn to Joaquin, him taking his head off of my shoulder. We smile at each other

"You wanna listen to music?" He asks, taking his phone and a pair of ear buds out of his pocket. I nod at take one of the ears buds and put it in

He turns on an album that I couldn't see but as soon as the first note plays, I know it. It's Blue Neighborhood by Troye Sivan

I instantly get excited.
"OMG! I love this album" I whisper-shout to him, causing him to chuckle

After about half an hour, FP comes into the room with pizza. I smile and grab a box and two cans of coke for me and Joaquin. He smiles and takes a slice

I take his phone and type my number in, without him noticing. I smile at him and show him
"Call me" I mouth and we both chuckle

We finish our pizza and drinks and the music ends. We taks the ear buds out and just talk about our selves

He tells me about his horrible family and I tell him about my dad and why my mum left. We end up with my hands in his bigger ones.

When everyone is facing away from us, he pecks my lips softly. I'm shocked by what he just did, but, I liked it. I kissed him back, this time only longer and I'm sure everyone is looking at us

"WHERE IS HE?" A voice from outside
the room yelled. Joaquin jumped which broke the kiss. Joaquin whispered 'shit' over and over again

I took his hands in mine and softly told him to calm down. He looked at me

"It's my parents Kev, they can't see us holding hands. They might hurt me, even worse they might hurt you" I let go of his hands and kiss his head quickly

The door then swings open and I quickly sit away from him. Standing in the door is two older people -his mum and dad- and two younger people -the ones that beat Toni up


"Especially Keller" his dad snarled, his parents, I've seen them before, when they tried to hurt me

They walked up to both of us and went to punch me, I close my eyes and wait but Joaquin pushes them to the ground an growls

His brother walks up to him with an evil smirk
"Don't tell me your gay too J" he starts to walk closer to him. I want to stop his but Betty holds me back. He presses Joaquin against a wall, his brother pressed against him

"Oh, you are, are you?" His smirk grows wider and goes to punch him. I break free from Betty grip and grab  his hand. Joaquin smiles and kicks him

We turn to see FP holding down his parents and that Toni had beaten up the other girl who was with them.
"Run!" FP yells and we all run out of the trailer. We run to my truck and all get in

FP was in the driver's seat, Jug next to him with Betty on his lap. Toni, Archie and Joaquin sat in the back seats. I sit on Joaquins lap and bury my head into his chest.

Veronica then directs FP to a tall building, which is home to the lodges. We get out of the car and run through the door

We all sigh in relief and feel safe for twenty minutes until we hear banging on the door, someone trying to break in

{wc- 812
Sorry this is quiet a shit chapter and if you think I could do anything better, please comment}

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