Epilouge: Regrets

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*Jace's P.O.V.*

As she lay there motionless on the hospital bed, she will never know who stayed by her side, always.


Just when I was about to confess to her that day, an SUV crashed her head on and all I could do was watch in horror. I hadn't bothered to call out to her when I saw the SUV. But I remembered the ambulance, the kind nurse and the kind man, Roy Alan. As her death may be near, she was sent straight to the ICU.

A month before this incident, I had broke that friendship bond with her by force. My sister, Hannah, had forced me to break it because of her own grudge against her and I was forced to comply. Just a month after that, this whole thing happened.

"Jason Stone?" A deep voice called out.

I looked up to the doctor's face with dazed eyes and tears hot behind my eyes.

"How is she?" I asked, although my voice sounds like a frog's.

"Her conditions stable but she's in a coma.."

I thought I heard wrongly and rubbed my eyes before asking, "A coma? For how long?"

He just shook his head. "That, we're not sure... I'm sorry."

A coma huh? And all because of me... If I had just--

I placed my head in my hands and forced myself not to cry. I heard footsteps approaching and tried to control myself.

"Doctor!" A shrill voice called out. "How's my niece?"

I sniffled, picked myself together and looked up to find Angie's aunt grabbing onto the doctor's hand. He tried to break her grip but--

Before I was even aware, Sarah Alan grabbed me by the collar and slammed me against the opposite wall. Stars burst before my eyes as I tried to get my bearings.

"What are you doing here?!" She shouted --or more like, screamed-- into my face.

I groaned and was flung onto the stone-cold floor. My body raked from trainings and pain started to take toll of my body.

"You--" she was cut off by another booming voice.

"Enough!" Roy Alan, my psychiatrist and Angie's dad, shouted over. "Take a hold of her Richard!"

The doctor --Richard-- held Sarah back and she struggled out of his grip.

"Are you alright, Jace?" He asked.

Still in a daze, I allowed him to help me up. Then, I tried to use the wall for support.

"Ease on it," he said. Then, he held onto my shoulders to keep me upright. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I wasn't aware of my surroundings and I felt the floor tilting. Or was it me? For all I know, I was guided to a seat and I sat.

"Thanks," I croaked, my voice distant. Then, I looked towards Roy and Richard. "Can I go see her?"

Roy gave me a curt nod and Richard nodded almost too brightly. I smiled weakly and went into her room.

"Oh Angie," I whispered as I sat down. "Oh babe, what have I done to you? Just... Why--" I broke into uncontrollable sobs.

"Angie I'm so sorry. I should've -- I should've stood up for myself! Angie, I'm so sorry.. I--" I broke off as memories of us under the oak tree flashed in my head.


"We're still keeping secrets from each other," I said that day.

Hannah had swimmimg practice so I had this chance to talk to Angie once again. It's just that, she seem to be avoiding me on other occasions.

"Jace," she slurred my name. I like the way it sounded, coming from her. "I know you've been through a lot so I'll always try to be there by your side... So, I guess.. No more secrets kept from each other?"

I turned and laid my charms on her. She blushed. Slightly. "No secrets kept. Pinky promise?"

She chuckled and I blushed. "A promise is a promise. Let's get into each others secrets now.. Who's first?"

I grinned. "Ladies first!"

What I didn't expect was for her to open up so easily. She told a lot about herself, her family and... Her mom.

"I'm sorry," I said, as I was a lost for words.

"Don't be," she replied. "I've been through a lot more worse than that. Enough about me, how 'bout you?"


"I have so many things to tell you," I whispered. "So many that only you would understand. So please, wake up.. Wake up so I can let you in on my secrets.."

I laid my head on her bed, too tired from the lack of sleep and crying. It was my turn to rest for the night. I'll always be by your side, I promise you that. Soon, I was consumed by sleep.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update... I know.. I owe two chapters... But hey, let's be positive! Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter.. Do reccommend me some new character names too. Oh, and do you think Hannah should be by Jason's side in book two or should she remain with Amanda? Do comment down below, aites? And as always, do continue to:





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