what now?

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I sat with Henry, we were at Bill's house. His parents were at work and that left us to our own devices. We were going over what we saw.

Henry had his arm around me and I sat curled into his side. I was shook. Our childhood fear was back. A lot earlier than anticipated.

Henry was still as a statue, starring out at nothing. I attempted to catch his attention and it would work for a little while but then he would resume staring at nothing. I was worried for him, he was taking it harder than us.

Bill came with some chilling news. "G-Guys, look at the puh-puh-paper." he stuttered. He let us gather around in a circle as my breath left me.

Derry news!
Last night on June second, police found a young boy wandering around outside on the corner of Jackson and neibolt missing an arm. The boy was about thirteen years of age with brown hair and blue eyes. Police are still trying to contact the boys parents.

The article showed a picture that looked identical to one of Bill when he was thirteen.

My jaw was grazing the floor. "Bill, he looks just like-" "I know." he said still white as a sheet. He was at Derry general hospital. I grabbed Henry's hand and walked out the door. "Bill come on. We have to go see!" I hollered.

Sorry for the short chapter,I am under writer's block.

My apologies My Dudes!

Love y'all!

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